The Expanse

Honestly I'm not all that excited about season5.

anyone else starting to wonder if the shows appeal is wearing off or was s4 just a let down and no one else wants to admit it
Honestly I'm not all that excited about season5.

anyone else starting to wonder if the shows appeal is wearing off or was s4 just a let down and no one else wants to admit it

I feel like S4 was too small in scope, we basically spent most of the series on a single planet.
Honestly I'm not all that excited about season5.

anyone else starting to wonder if the shows appeal is wearing off or was s4 just a let down and no one else wants to admit it

Remember that the books and by extension the series, are 3 small mini trilogies for an overarching 9 book run.

Season 1-3 was part 1, Season 4 was act 1 of the new trilogy and was setting up the ground work. Take this from someone who's read the books, there is a lot more great stuff to come.

I will say there was some needless filler in S4 with Bobbies story, didn't gel with that at all. Also I class book 4 as one of my favourites, it was a refreshing change of scenery but that didn't translate well to screen.
Honestly I'm not all that excited about season5.

anyone else starting to wonder if the shows appeal is wearing off or was s4 just a let down and no one else wants to admit it

Season 4 was based on the book I enjoyed the least, and as expected it was the season I enjoyed the least so far. Having said that, it was still damn good TV.
Also posted this in the other Expanse thread... in US TV show section.
Watched S5 E1 earlier, 2 and 3 later on this evening with a beer.
It was okay but as I mused earlier, the Books 5 and 6 really start to diversify the story across several different arenas and while this works on the written page, didn't quite (IMHO) nail it, at least not in Ep1. Seemed very rushed as they were trying to cram everything in and, if you hadn't got round to reading Book 5, you might have struggled where the story elements were going.
And in the book Naomi does not explain in any great detail to Holden about why and where she is going as regards Fillip, she just ups and goes. If they were going to trim anything, it should probably have been Alex's back story particularly as I understand the TV show has written the character out for the 6th Season, due to Cas Anwar's (alleged) fall from grace and they CBA to recast).

Not sure if they're just doing Book 5 or Book 6 as well in the 5th season.
Episode Air Date Episode Name

1 Wed Dec 16, 2020 Exodus
2 Wed Dec 16, 2020 Churn
3 Wed Dec 16, 2020 Mother
4 Wed Dec 23, 2020 Guagamela
5 Wed Dec 30, 2020 Down and Out
6 Wed Jan 06, 2021 Tribes
7 Wed Jan 13, 2021 Oyedeng
8 Wed Jan 20, 2021 Hard Vacuum
9 Wed Jan 27, 2021 Winnipesaukee
10 Wed Feb 03, 2021 Nemesis Games
No, they can't make me wait another week after that ending of episode 3. :eek:
After Ep3 I’m more worried how much more of the book they’re going to do a Jackson on. New characters and relationships introduced which are not in the book and not really necessary to advance or enhance the story. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still enjoyable and a spectacle but I just wish the adaptation was a bit tighter to the source material.
Watched the 3 episodes. I’m enjoying the start of this season more than the last. How much of that is down to my current mindset I don’t know.

I knew ep3 would be the big cliffhanger. :rolleyes:
thats a total lie :)

Maybe I need to rewatch but at the time it was quite a standout show and seemed to take risks while other sci fi was quite pedestrian. That said, i've not seen it since it's original run mid 90's.

A lie in your opinion or are you making blanket statements as for me it was better than The Expanse which AFAIAC is overrated.

As far as blanket statements go, you are totally my opinion of course ;)
After Ep3 I’m more worried how much more of the book they’re going to do a Jackson on. New characters and relationships introduced which are not in the book and not really necessary to advance or enhance the story. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still enjoyable and a spectacle but I just wish the adaptation was a bit tighter to the source material.

Been a year since I read the books and bear in mind i've only watched up to ep 2 and not 3 but I can't recall anything from those two episodes that isn't in the book? Please reply in spoilers for other folks spoiler safety of course :)
Been a year since I read the books and bear in mind i've only watched up to ep 2 and not 3 but I can't recall anything from those two episodes that isn't in the book? Please reply in spoilers for other folks spoiler safety of course :)
It is implied Amos is Eric’s brother and that the woman who died and he went to see the guy about might have been his mother. Alex visiting the lecture hall then taking the aide out to dinner which was actually a setup is also not in the book. Timeline wise, Amos should be visiting Clarrissa in jail when the asteroids start to fall. The characters interacting with Avasarala and that part of the story don’t relate to events as depicted in the book.
Maybe I need to rewatch but at the time it was quite a standout show and seemed to take risks while other sci fi was quite pedestrian. That said, i've not seen it since it's original run mid 90's.

yeah i haven't seen it since since the 90's either - it just seemed to stop.
So, 'maybe' its better than i remember, but i wouldn't take that bet :)
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