The Expanse

i wish i did have 2 more to watch !!
I still have a faint hope that Alcon sort it out and something gets picked up in the next few years for the final trilogy.

EDIT: Essentially, once amazon are done and it's off their platform, Alcon can shop around and get someone else to maybe pick it up.
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Just finished the audiobooks to find out how it all ended! Enjoyable story but I think it loses it's way towards the end, then everything seems to happen at once. Liked the epilogue though, if anyone was going to survive, it was that person. I don't understand why the TV series decided to kill off that character though
I kept expecting it to happen in the audiobooks!
If you're meaning Alex, Cas Anvar he was fired from the show after he was investigated for Assault and S*xual harassment claims)

I did indeed, I guess the spoiler tag didn't work on my post! Well that's sad to hear, I don't know what is wrong with people. Neither option is good, either someone got assaulted or someone that was innocent lost their job.
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