Me too, really seeing how strong she can be, and glad they didn't shake off the exposed space walk. Makeup was very good.First time this season I've enjoyed Naomi on screen, great end to the episode.
Cara Gee (drummer) fantastic as usual.
Very disappointed. Other than Amos, they have pretty much thrown the books under the bus and written a new story loosely based on the premise. Far too much time being spent on the politics and machinations of Earth Gov, which simply isn’t in the original story at this point. Drummer and her crew are a complete fabrication even if you factor in she is doubling for Michio Pa. Naomi did rally a bit but still being represented way out of character.
And as regards Pallas, this again is preemptive of Book 7 when the Laconians destroy it as retribution for the Sol and Belter resistance.
Indeed. It's a bit like Peter Jackson's butchery of LOTR and The Hobbit. Great spectacle, but PJ rewrote so much, you just end up having to file the original story from the books away while you watch it.I think you're just going to have to accept it as different and try to enjoy it for what it is!
Was a pretty good episode..
Also though it looks like one of the main cast members wont be returning next season is allegations are proved true.
Looks like Cas Anwar has been a bit of a creep! I will reserve judgement until its proven true but not looking good.
Hard to believe that Cara Gee plays Drummer...