The Expanse

Where on the flip side drummer and Amos are not on screen enough.

They have missed the mark a lot on this series.
i can't but feel that when it was first shot there was a lot more bobby and alex, but they edited alex down to the bare min. and shot a lot more "filler" to make up the time

You might be right, they couldn't get rid of him without getting rid of a lot of Bobby's screen time, so what we may be seeing is them trying to strike a balance.

The more I think about it there was the sub plot with the new interim UN president that went nowhere too.
You might be right, they couldn't get rid of him without getting rid of a lot of Bobby's screen time, so what we may be seeing is them trying to strike a balance.

The more I think about it there was the sub plot with the new interim UN president that went nowhere too.

Since Ava wasn't part of the UN council (or whatever they called it) they needed an interim President to fill the gap before she filled the role. She was a "nobody" when the rocks themselves fell, she couldn't just jump straight into the Presidential Seat.
Tip my hat to JK Rowling for insisting the Harry Potter books stay true and not rely on scripted and adapted for TV by idiots...

Show has lost all the intrigue, pacing literally nothing happens. Everything is dragged out to keep it cheap. It's a mess at the moment.
Well I am currently reading through the Potter books and certainly up to Book 3 that seems to be the case. However from Book 4 onwards there is a fair bit missing from the movies, both content and context. For example, Harry starts to become much darker, angrier and aggressive than his screen persona. In Book 5 there is an extended scene at St Mungos Hospital which didn’t make it to the film. In Book 4 the Tri-Wizard competition seems more in the background, at least until the last trial, than the prominence in the film.
Folks are aware that the writers of the books are writers on the show too? I'm sure they have reasons for their changes since adaptations inevitably have to have differences since the mediums are so different. Earlier seasons would also have been constrained by budgets, so small changes back then lead to bigger divergences later on.
Pretty hard to do since everyone also has their own fixed idea of how it would look on screen when reading and then get disappointed when it's not there.

I'm not sure what people who have read them are missing in terms of plot points though?

Main one I can think of off the top of my head is the Martian prime minister being rescued by Alex and Bobbie rather than mars parliament being blown up. Could this have been hastily removed for the above reasons with Cas Anvar and cutting Alexs story? Or never filmed?
There's also the differences with the Michio Pa story since Drummer became an amalgamation of 2-3 chars. There's no way Drummer would sign up freely to Marco given the history in the show.

Since next season is the last (for a while at least) we know we're not going to get the story from after the...
30 odd year time jump finishing up the free navy storyline in the same season the rocks hit along with all the bits in between would have been waaay too rushed in one season. We've not even seen Mr Anderson Dawes yet (I reckon the actor who plays him is pretty busy given how well his career has gone) so plenty of material for next season along with pew pew battle scenes in space.
I did wonder how much input the book authors have had into the TV series, though frankly I am surprised they were happy to go with the level of adaptation we have seen.

Having read Book 7 (still got 8 to go), I would actually have been quite happy with a condensed Book 5 and 6 in Season 5 of the TV series then onto the future story, which (IMHO) was far more gripping and exciting than the Marcos etc. plot.
I must say this season has been a disappointment. Feels like we've gone from sci-fi protomolecule and the ring gates to EastEnders in space. I understand the political and emotional journey that goes with the sci-fi but I've been left found wanting all season.

Such a slow paglce. The last 4 episodes should have been two or they could have done an extra few. It's superbly acted and well produced so it's not a waste, just feel like we're missing something.

Hopefully this is down to the pandemic and other factors but season 6 will make up for it. Not looking forward to a cliff hanger next week.
This is exactly how I feel. Gave this season a bit of a chance but it has been utterly poo
People waiting for a action episode the finale certainly delivers.

I wonder if they had planned to kill Alex character before all the rumours came out as it sort of fits but did come out of the blue and they've been building Bull up all season.
overall i've enjoyed this (half)season as it clearly is setting stuff up for the next season. but now i've seen the final i'm even more convinced that it been reedited/reshot. most of the alex/bobby shot would have been cheap to shot as i was them sitting in a seat. the rescue was her basily in a black room. with the camera moving and some sound effects. basically it smacks of something being shot quick and cheap that need very little pos. and i can't help to notice a lack of mars story and it chars
overall i've enjoyed this (half)season as it clearly is setting stuff up for the next season. but now i've seen the final i'm even more convinced that it been reedited/reshot. most of the alex/bobby shot would have been cheap to shot as i was them sitting in a seat. the rescue was her basily in a black room. with the camera moving and some sound effects. basically it smacks of something being shot quick and cheap that need very little pos. and i can't help to notice a lack of mars story and it chars

Yes, and the huge jump in time following the rescue.

Some incredible action in this finale. Cannot wait! If I wasn’t reading A song of ice and fire I’d have to start on the Expanse books now. Great finale! So many questions...
People waiting for a action episode the finale certainly delivers.

I wonder if they had planned to kill Alex character before all the rumours came out as it sort of fits but did come out of the blue and they've been building Bull up all season.

Bull was suspiciously absence from the final part of the show for that to be the plan me thinks, might be just good timing for the show runners on that part.

and i can't help to notice a lack of mars story and it chars

Considering they set up a lot when Alex and Bobby was on Mars it is a bit jarring.

Part of me wonders if they would have been better finishing up the Marco story line and focusing on the Mars colony in the what is the final season but they were not to know and we are were we are.

Good episode but there was a bit of PTSD when I seen Naomi working on the ship again.
People waiting for a action episode the finale certainly delivers.

I wonder if they had planned to kill Alex character before all the rumours came out as it sort of fits but did come out of the blue and they've been building Bull up all season.
It seemed tacked-on, like they filmed a few extra scenes and edited them in last minute. Better than killing him off-screen, but not by much.
It seemed tacked-on, like they filmed a few extra scenes and edited them in last minute. Better than killing him off-screen, but not by much.

They did, if you look at the Xray when they have the talk in the bar at the end they've left Alex in those scenes on the pictures. The same as when Amos returns he's there talking to him.
Finally some action but oh my, the biggest clusterfudge of the book story so far.

Had to restrain myself from actually getting the book off the shelf and chucking it at the TV!

As per all season, seems to be looking ahead to the 7th book more than setting up for the 6th. And it might just have been me, but in the final scenes just before
the Mars ship passed through the Laconia Gate, the woman on the ship addressed the male character as "Admiral Duarte", but that wasn't the name embossed on his uniform. As regards the demise of Alex/Cas, definitely a WTF moment there even though we knew removal of the character was coming.
You sure about that?
I just re-watched that scene, and she never says his name. His name is Sauveterre. Duarte is their boss, and we haven't seen him on screen yet. From memory, that scene is shot-for-shot identical to how it was in the book.
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You sure about that?
I just re-watched that scene, and she never says his name. His name is Sauveterre. Duarte is their boss, and we haven't seen him on screen yet. From memory, that scene is shot-for-shot identical to how it was in the book.
On reflection, you are correct!
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