US: The Flash (2014)

Big spoiler (assuming they stick with the comics at all)

Eobard Thawne - motivated by the jealousy of Barry/Iris, my guess its Eddie - it's a reveal but I bet not the one we are expecting (assuming they mean to tease us with a bigger reveal later on).


Zoom, which may be the big doctor guy.

It's not concrete as there are more than one reverse/evil flashes, it all depends on how they want to spin it out. The killer of the mother apparently was Zoom, but the person we saw in the episode may not be the same as the one who killed the mother.
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Is it better to watch Arrow first then this?

Yes you are probably best watching most of Arrow first as The Flash was introduced there in a couple of episodes before he got his own show. They were episodes 8 and 9 of season 2.

Then there's the crossover episodes that should be watched in order. They were S01E08 Flash Vs Arrow from The Flash is part 1 and S03E08 The Brave and the Bold from Arrow is part 2
I think Arrow went a bit down hill after the first series. Flash is good but slightly less dark. Tbh I think Gotham is by far the best but that's my opinion...
Ha, that's debatable. :p

It's the whiny teen-angst drama aspect of The Flash that annoys me, both Barry and the girl (whatever her name is) are mid-20s yet behave like naive teenagers. Plus the whole "sleeping with my Dad's partner" thing is creepy, more so when he acts so camp.

If it didn't keep tying in with Arrow I'd have dropped it after the first couple of episodes. As it is, it's main saving grace is that Barry's arrogance sees him get his arse kicked most episodes which is quite satisfying to watch when I can be bothered to look up from my phone. :D
It's the whiny teen-angst drama aspect of The Flash that annoys me, both Barry and the girl (whatever her name is) are mid-20s yet behave like naive teenagers. Plus the whole "sleeping with my Dad's partner" thing is creepy, more so when he acts so camp.

If it didn't keep tying in with Arrow I'd have dropped it after the first couple of episodes. As it is, it's main saving grace is that Barry's arrogance sees him get his arse kicked most episodes which is quite satisfying to watch when I can be bothered to look up from my phone. :D

I agree with that TBH. The whole him liking her since he was a kid, and iris not seeing it. It's been done to death and I'm tired of it. She needs to go.

Now, Arrow.

Darker? Check. Less camp (excluding count vertigo)? Check. Potato-headed, emotion-less robot in the leading role? Double check.

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Dear god, Lincoln and Wentworth are just terrible in this show. Seriously bad acting.

Wentworth was just doing what he always does, playing the same character for every single show. I liked Prison Break but he's way over-rated. Sominic Purcell's character made me cringe, he just seemed really weird trying to play that kind of bad guy.
starting to loose it with the Flash now.

I mean come on you've got Lincoln and Wentworth with no powers just two decent guns and the flash is running rings around them SEVERAL TIMES. Come on either just knock them out OR steal the weapons run off and leave them to the cops. Arhhhhhhhhhhh just so frustrating.

What does he do? just keeps running round them for the umpteenth time until they get a poxy shot. Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
starting to loose it with the Flash now.

I mean come on you've got Lincoln and Wentworth with no powers just two decent guns and the flash is running rings around them SEVERAL TIMES. Come on either just knock them out OR steal the weapons run off and leave them to the cops. Arhhhhhhhhhhh just so frustrating.

What does he do? just keeps running round them for the umpteenth time until they get a poxy shot. Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah agreed, it was comically poor that he just kept on sprinting between them over and over. I was sat there thinking 'couldn't he have just knocked both of them out with super speed punches by now?'.
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