US: The Flash (2014)

Not really, the only thing where something didn't make sense in the other show without watching both was Laurel getting the canary cry gizmo in an episode of the Flash and it not even warranting a throwaway line in Arrow, she just had it. The others are (timeline issues aside) all pretty self explanatory within the show you were watching. Do you really need intimate knowledge of Firestorm and Ollie's current storylines when they're called in for what amounts to little more than a cameo for a fight? Do you need to be up to speed on the Flash when Ollie calls in a favour because he needs someone who can move fast?
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Not really, the only thing where something didn't make sense in the other show without watching both was Laurel getting the canary cry gizmo in an episode of the Flash and it not even warranting a throwaway line in Arrow, she just had it. The others are (timeline issues aside) all pretty self explanatory within the show you were watching. Do you really need intimate knowledge of Firestorm and Ollie's current storylines when they're called in for what amounts to little more than a cameo for a fight? Do you need to be up to speed on the Flash when Ollie calls in a favour because he needs someone who can move fast?

I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure she mentioned Cisco making it for her in Arrow.
I am also pretty sure they put Firestorm with Arrow because those two actors are cousins IRL and have wanted to act together in the same scene for a long time.
Great finale! :eek:

What started as a Smallville remake turned into a very good series. The ending gave different emotions and we have to wait 5 months now for series 2.
Loved the Jay Garrick reference with the helmet

Some spoilery stuff :

Caitlin's eventual alter ego Killer Frost when Barry was seeing various timelines, kinda hard to imagine her as a villain even though it's confirmed

If the Reverse Flash has now never existed does that mean that the real Harrison Wells is now alive?

And Cisco becomes The Vibe?
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I don't think I saw a 'I'll finish your sentence' moment :eek:

So the 1:52 was crucial to the plot but started by someone telling someone else to press the space bar to start the count down, in a highly sophisticated lab - that seems about right. This one is a real head scratcher. The whole world is reliant on them shutting down the wormhole and it involves running to another part of the lab and pulling out some wires. They should have just rerouted everything through the deflector dish :p
Is the finale a result of the paradox they just created? The problem with time travel is it always leads to a paradox. Thorne killing himself meant that the reverse flash never existed, meaning he never came back to create the time line that resulted in Thorne shooting himself, inturn meaning he lived. Thus meaning he was able to come back in time, and cause Thorne to shoot himself, and so on and so on.
good series so far,
how did Well's manage to get all that power at the end to fight Barry? They made it clear that he was only fast due to the charger in his chair.
good series so far,
how did Well's manage to get all that power at the end to fight Barry? They made it clear that he was only fast due to the charger in his chair.

They said his powers come and go, I took it to mean that he was using the chair to give him instant access to his powers. I think that without the chair he can sometimes use his powers, though it was very convenient that they came back to him at that precise moment.
I suppose the fan**** explanaton would be Barry using that much speed in his proximity powered him up.

Oh and holy **** to the finale. I just hope that hat was more than just an Easter egg, as much as I like the redsuit flashes I've always been a sucker for the JSA characters.
Given Cisco is getting memories from the timeline where Thawne offed him,I'd say we're looking at a multiverse/alternate timeline type deal.
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I shouted at the screen "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST GET THE SNIP?".

Great show though I knew it would be as The Flash is the best superhero there is.
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