US: The Flash (2014)

I haven't watched The Flash for awhile now, I found that the quality had steeply declined and there was a growing push of the CW's brand of politics. I dropped pretty much all of their shows for the same reasons, the only thing I've continued to watch is Supernatural, and that's ending anyway.

I did find the firing of Hartley Sawyer to be ridiculous though, so he posted something a tiny bit spicy on social media years before getting on the show, so what?

It amazes me the lengths people go to in order to find a reason to be outraged about something.
Awww yeah - fasten your speed suits ladies and gents (and those assigned other genders CW style), The Flash is back tonight.

I can't even remember what happened in the abruptly ended season 6, but am sure we can expect more silly shenanigans. Be interesting to see how it compares with Batwoman.
Just tried watching it and got as far as Barry channeling the well's and had to switch off. I then tried Coming 2 America which made the flash look like it's Oscar material.
It was pretty much more of the same. I was most shocked by that women's lack of using the 'safely remove hardware' feature, instead yanking her USB device straight out.
In a bit of a pickle, after watching this season and its finale - Flash is bordering Batwoman levels of lazily written ridiculousness.

Godspeed is the big baddy and once again - Barry isn't fast enough so he enlists Thawne to help him defeat Godspeed. Godspeed nearly takes out Barry, Thawne saves the day by stabbing Godspeed and then tries to betray Barry. Oh did I mention - the three of them use Speed Force lightsabers, it's so ******* cheesy. And Barry smacks down Thawne easily, because he got a speed boost from the Speed Force (in the form of his dead mother) making you question - why did he need his help and why did he let Thawne just run away after reneging on their deal.

I swear a good 25% of the show is just Grant Gustin and the others holding their concerned look face to conclude a scene - there is egregious example of this in the finale. At least Batwoman is so bad, it's entertaining. This is just a bit naff unfortunately.
Its gotten so bad now I just can't stand more than 10 mins at a time watching it. Even half the cast have given up and go missing for episodes at a time. The shows on its last legs now and needs putting down.

Its always the same, they get into a situation that's apparently impossible to do. someone gets a pep talk and bang problem solved.
Season 8 has just started, somehow!

Predictions? Pep talks, Barry isn't fast enough, double bladed Speed Force sabres, Joe's wife shaking her head to visualise her powers, Wells silliness, Gorilla Grod?
Season 8 has just started, somehow!

Predictions? Pep talks, Barry isn't fast enough, double bladed Speed Force sabres, Joe's wife shaking her head to visualise her powers, Wells silliness, Gorilla Grod?

and it be the power of "love" that wins the day by giving barry enough speed
Oh wow, it was even worse/more cheesy that we thought, budget JRS style review ahoy....
  • Not sure why this episode wasn't called Level Up as they said it a bunch of times
  • Forgot to predict this trope in my previous post - Barry giving away his secret identity again! Surprised he still has his secret identity in the future (where the big baddy is from) considering he hells anyone who wants to listen
  • Speaking of the future - Despero is from 2031 when The Flash supposedly ends the world - but his annoying children from the future are from the 2040s so that doesn't make sense
  • Chester and Ray became tech bros
  • They seem to really like large brutish monsters for their CGI enemies (perhaps they only have one asset, and just change it a little)
  • My wife spotted this one - when light powers woman reviews the other writer's work, she scribbled 'says who' on one of them. Unless it was an anonymous source, why would a so called established newspaper print a quote without say who said it?
  • The tech conference looked like a new opening for a library
  • They updated Barry's made up speed again, now it's 4,000mph yet he claimed he popped over to Italy to grab a pizza. Surely that would take him ~2 hours to get a pizza...
  • The enemy of the week were hilarious for the wrong reasons
  • Yet more Barry and Iris 'getting it on' only to be interrupted (at least they want a child the normal ******* way rather than constantly borrowing their children from the future)
  • Iris' journalism is hilarious - two instances of asking one question at the end and then finishing
  • Her paper is now some huge media empire - sure
  • The item of the week to be stolen was stored in a corridor?
  • The writers don't know the rules of poker
Batwoman levels of writing but still entertaining in its own way.
Back then I watched up to the 4th season then stopped as i felt like it was going downhill from that point. Is there any point to continue or best to skip it?
I can't even remember what season it was but I stopped when iris was swapped with some one else via a mirror who replicated how iris was perfectly (an annoying character who has too much dam screen time!)

By that stage I couldn't take anymore,
Episode 4 was a particular highlight in this show's shoddiness. Barry once again needed to go faster (in 3 episodes his speed has gone from 4,000mph to 30,000mph and the faster speed was with them at 5%/drained).

Need to get round to watching S3 of Titans.
I'm normally a sucker for the big crossover, but this is just tragic. Despero (and Tony Curran) utterly wasted, and it's only being lifted above excrement by the various guest stars.
Latest episode was okay but one thing I did appreciate was a bit more effort in the fights (ignoring the CGI that looks about the same as season 1).
I love Tom Cavanaugh as Wells... But i hate Tom Cavanaugh as Reverse Flash/Thawn... It comes off so forced and cheezy!

Damn Mia was looking good in this ep... Particularly at the end.. Along with Cecile :o She is tiny!
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