The forgotten FPS thread.

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DailyGeek said:
Did you see the name of the thread?! :p

htf is HL1 forgotten :confused:

I think this thread is morphing into not so much Forgotton FPS's but Name as many as you can :p
Loosecannon said:
I think AvP2 is better than AvP, and can still run on modern Pc's.

There is even still a multiplayer clan system alive.... just!

Thing is, a lot of diehard avp fans didn't really like avp2 at all, me being one of them. Don't get me wrong avp2 the sp was immense, well thought out, well written and very fun to play, and the newly added weapons were also fun. In general the art was fantastic, the detailing was great and the gfx weren't bad either.

However multiplayer is where it failed for me. The pace which was the main issue was far too slow with the arsenal of weapons available and the arenas you were supposed to play in. It needed to be at least twice as fast, and that's just the marine. The alien was just abosolutely diabolically slow it was terrible, and they got rid of the fish eye view which i liked from the original. They pretty much altered the entire games mechanics and its balance from the predecessor, and like any dm player will tell you, pace and balance are 2 of the most important things when playing mp.

As for the maps, man some of them didn't even flow properly, those that play UT will know what i mean by that. Some of the maps had long dead ends, which is great for something like a story mission where you've screwed yourself into a corner, but in mp that just shouldn't happen, especially in a dm type game.

Tbh monolith just aren't very good at making mp, look at nolf and tron 2, although at sp they are superb. Oh Tron 2 for the forgotten list, that game is beautifully made, but again shame about the mp apart from the bikes, but tbh that's just glorified snake.
Troop said:
Anyone here remember Wargasm, spent a lot of time playing it .

Brilliant game. Still got it in my shelf. One of the first games to have a wide free roaming battleground i think.
Nymins said:
Brilliant game. Still got it in my shelf. One of the first games to have a wide free roaming battleground i think.

Hey...i already listed that one earlier in the thread....

Its not been playable on windows since WinXP....
Agreed again Vimanis. I was excite when I played AvP 2 for the first time but quickly became bored of it's multiplayer. It's a shame and missed opportunity :/

Tron 2.0 - One of the first games to make use of the "random blur effect so hard that you vomit" tech ;)
For Amiga fans:

Cybercon 3




Alien Breed 3d:


So many good memories!
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Aekeron said:
I used to play AvP online. Via mplayer and also wireplay :)

I was Aekeron or FrenchTart and for a while was in the SYD clan. Other people I remember are YellowFellow, Inkubus/Inky, Hamshank...hmm...Hez...that's about it I think.

Mplayer! Was reminissing about this the other day. BRING IT BACK!

AVP via mplayer was my first online gaming experience... had my own clan and everything lol who remembers CBX or RaZe? no one i expect lol
Actually i do, lol

Lemme just make a list, plus the ones i've already mentioned:

YTL, BACM, FtB, RaZe, CBX, CYD, SX, AIM (A/P), Val, 101st, UKCM, AMC, FR, TTC, CCC, CA, Digital, yoga, AMP, Madcatz

I'm sure there are other famous ones i haven't listed.

I was and am still in RED if anyone remembers that clan, but not RED_SQD they were different, they were *censored*s!!!

oh the memories
Vimanis said:
Actually i do, lol

Lemme just make a list, plus the ones i've already mentioned:

YTL, BACM, FtB, RaZe, CBX, CYD, SX, AIM (A/P), Val, 101st, UKCM, AMC, FR, TTC, CCC, CA, Digital, yoga, AMP, Madcatz

I'm sure there are other famous ones i haven't listed.

I was and am still in RED if anyone remembers that clan, but not RED_SQD they were different, they were *censored*s!!!

oh the memories

I remember RED! What name did you go by? The gaming scene just hasnt been the same since mplayer turned into gayspy, are there any other similar things around apart from mIRC? never really liked that much. :(
Trick said:
For Amiga fans:


So many good memories!

OMG i used to play that for hours on my ST. The map was pretty huge from what i remember and used to take ages to get anywhere walking lol :cool:
n3x said:
I remember RED! What name did you go by? The gaming scene just hasnt been the same since mplayer turned into gayspy, are there any other similar things around apart from mIRC? never really liked that much. :(

You do? bloody hell, that's some good memory. My name is *drum roll* RED_Z_Seph ta da! what was yours?

And yeah gayspy was a popular pet name, man you are oldskool, as was mgayer, why we associate everything with the preference of homosexuality i'll never know (actually yes i do, we're soooo immature!). Yeah after gamespy bought mplayer it went downhill and most things with it died.

And there's already been a reunion, i was there!
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Hunter rocked. Anyone remember the FPS section from the Jurassic Park game on the A1200? Playing it at night, nose an inch or so from the screen, music getting tenser and tenser, Raptor jumps out in front of me and I jump a mile!

I was going to mention Clive Barkers - Undying as well, but was beaten to it.
Vimanis said:
You do? bloody hell, that's some good memory. My name is *drum roll* RED_Z_Seph ta da! what was yours?

And yeah gayspy was a popular pet name, man you are oldskool, as was mgayer, why we associate everything with the preference of homosexuality i'll never know (actually yes i do, we're soooo immature!). Yeah after gamespy bought mplayer it went downhill and most things with it died.

And there's already been a reunion, i was there!

Your name looks very familiar!

I was originally XeNiVeX and the CBX_XeNiVeX and then RaZe ~ XeNiVeX (something like that anyway) and now just plain old n3x ;) Lost contact with pretty much everyone which is a shame :( defo up for an avp reunion if my pc can handle it :p
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