The forgotten FPS thread.

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Read a preview several years ago in a magazine, before trying a demo if it at a much later date. Wasn't too impressived with it, but the screen shot does look OK.

So many great games mentioned & i have palyed many of them including Mechwarrior 1/2/3/4, Strife, Chasm:the rift (had a prtial 3d emgine before other games i rember at the time), Redneck Rampage 1/2, Blood 1/2, Shadow Warrior, Blake Stone, ROTT & i cannot believe someone else remembers the quite ordinary Corridor 7.
avp question

A lot of you seemed to have played avp online, i just wanted to know where you played it?

Did any of you play it on Mplayer?

As for forgotten games, how about Clive Barker's Undying.
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I used to play AvP online. Via mplayer and also wireplay :)

I was Aekeron or FrenchTart and for a while was in the SYD clan. Other people I remember are YellowFellow, Inkubus/Inky, Hamshank...hmm...Hez...that's about it I think.
Sweet, i do remember the name SYD, like seeing it around, but i can't remember what it stood for. I mostly played on mplayer, so i remember clans like YTL, BACM (who were pretty much idiots), FR, SX, TTC, not sure if you remember or not.

Do names like Unknown-Pain (pred), AIM-Phoenix (who was a marine, americans spell it oe for some reason) and Azrael ring a bell with you? Unfortunately the names you mention i don't think i've seen a lot of, or at least remember seeing a lot of.
Azrael does...But..hmm, it was a long time ago and years of Quake 3 and red wine have kind of knocked most memories out of my head, sorry :/

In /re to SYD - I didn't actually know what it stood for until way way after AvP (and hence the clan) folded.

Smile, you're dead ;)

Do you remember how many rooms were called "Noobs only!" which basicalyl involved one half-good player trying to tempt in people he might stand a chance of beating? :p "You're not a noob!" times.

I played as a marine pretty much all the time. I had the gamma turned up to eye-wrenching levels and night-vision constantly on so I could see those pesky cloaked Preds.

Stranded co-op...

So many good memories...
omg stranded, that was so ace, but once you get to the bunker you have to hold it, coz it had supplies in it, but the bugs would break in through the windows, was quite immense. Was stranded possible using aliens as players? i can't seem to remember since i was always a marine.

There were rooms with n00bs only, and also rooms with pr0s only or of the same sort. But you could name rooms to whatever you wanted which was cool, so lots of private clan rooms, with your own mic, web page viewer and drawing board on, good times.

It was difficult being marine, but i think the best was to be a standard or mini marine. And i'm not sure if you played by the unwritten rule of no pred disc or proxies whilst in vs mode?

Yeah seeing cloaked preds was probably the most treaseured skill you had to learn and knowing which areas to avoid and watch. Being a marine in avp you were always on your toes, the lights were always shot out so you had to be really hyper aware of your surroundings from those pesky preds and sneaky aliens, especially when the marine got the bum deal of the vision modes. You just had to look everywhere! they don't make mp games like this anymore.
Vimanis said:
...stuff I completely agree with...

So very true :) We played with the no discs/prox rule, too. And on stranded, would often disable the flamer as you'd always get some gimp running around with it and TKing...

It's a BIG shame that AvP no longer works with modern graphics card drivers. We used to regularly play it at LANs until it finally stopped being supported :/
I've no doubt people here have heard of 'Breed'. It was supposed to be the best thing to coming along for years, with dropships in from space in real-time, planet landings, skirmishes, space battles and all that.

Then the publisher meddled with it far too much, and it was stillborn. :( the hype and subsequent disappointment and backlash killed the developer I think.

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