omg stranded, that was so ace, but once you get to the bunker you have to hold it, coz it had supplies in it, but the bugs would break in through the windows, was quite immense. Was stranded possible using aliens as players? i can't seem to remember since i was always a marine.
There were rooms with n00bs only, and also rooms with pr0s only or of the same sort. But you could name rooms to whatever you wanted which was cool, so lots of private clan rooms, with your own mic, web page viewer and drawing board on, good times.
It was difficult being marine, but i think the best was to be a standard or mini marine. And i'm not sure if you played by the unwritten rule of no pred disc or proxies whilst in vs mode?
Yeah seeing cloaked preds was probably the most treaseured skill you had to learn and knowing which areas to avoid and watch. Being a marine in avp you were always on your toes, the lights were always shot out so you had to be really hyper aware of your surroundings from those pesky preds and sneaky aliens, especially when the marine got the bum deal of the vision modes. You just had to look everywhere! they don't make mp games like this anymore.