The forgotten FPS thread.

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Possibly not FPS, i cant remember, but there was a game made by Bungie (way before Halo) that involded doing puzzles and stuff. was definately first person.

Whoever finds it wins a prize. Your clues are Old. First Person. Bungie. Pre-Halo. GO!
DampCat said:
Possibly not FPS, i cant remember, but there was a game made by Bungie (way before Halo) that involded doing puzzles and stuff. was definately first person.

Whoever finds it wins a prize. Your clues are Old. First Person. Bungie. Pre-Halo. GO!
Myth perhaps? Marathon is one of their older FPS titles too.
DailyGeek said:
This is SpaceHulk for the A500


I bought this for my A500+, played it once and stupidly saved my progress on the original disk, thus making it useless. Never played it again. I did the same thing with A-Train. Those good old Amiga days.
mattx2 said:

delta force 2 possibly the grandfarther of the modern military sim. Spent many hours on this one shame the AI was so poor even for its time

Amazing game, this is what got me into online PC gaming. Oh tthe days of the 350mhz pentium and 28k internet :D

Tried playing it the other day, and just isnt up to it any more!!!
Outlaws and Skynet... Skynet used to actually terrify me, it's the first game I can think of that made really effective use of the sound effects- you'd hear the enemies scraping around from around the corner, etc. Also, almost every one could maul you if you weren't careful. Genius game. Even looked quite good.
timmy1988 said:
when was the last time you played mechwarrior 2? ;)

Last year. Well Mercenaries anyway. I've got the cds knocking about somewhere.

My point is no one's going to go "oooh god mechwarrior that's a forgotten one not many people will know about!" because it was popular, succesful and had sequals being produced up until relatively recently.
Sem said:
im close to tears now

do you also remember Earthseige 1 & 2 and Shattered Steel

what about Heavy Gear? that game kicked ass

what was that game by microsoft where you had this jetpack and you'd fly around shooting people with your squad?
Phalanx said:
what about Heavy Gear? that game kicked ass

what was that game by microsoft where you had this jetpack and you'd fly around shooting people with your squad?

It would appear I have quite a good knowledge of these things :p, you are referring to Outwars I believe, loved playing that over LAN.
Redneck Rampage was one of my first FPS, along with Doom. Redneck Rampage was great though completed it quite a few times, it was a wacky game like. I remember a dam level but also a level where you go through sort of a theme park and theres always some fat guy waiting at the end or something shouting "over here leonard"?
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