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The Fury(X) Fiji Owners Thread


Posted in the other thread.
1. Its not
2. Fair enough, depends if you need it if using a pc monitor, you dont
3. Who says? From everything ive seen amd cards get a massive boost in dx12 unlike nvidia cards but not getting into the dx12 debate again.

so we have.


1. its cheaper
2. it matches or beats a 980ti
3. its cooler
4. its quieter
5. it may well overclock like a dream with more voltage
6. performance may increase more with later drivers.
7. It seems to do best in gamework games against the 980ti
8. Its a valid alternative to buying Nvidia at high end


1. It may not overclock as well as a 980ti
2. It doesnt have HDMI 2.0
3. Its not made by Nvidia


eh? All the benchmarks posted show it being considerably slower than the 980ti...?
What's to be excited about? roughly 980ti performance, less memory and unknown overclocking ability.

And potentially less price. £100 less if that is correct. That means pounds to performance it splatters anything Nvidia make and comes AIO cooled, something you have to pay at least £650 for on a 980ti.

Also. You'd be crazy to buy one NOW and you'd have been just as crazy to have bought a 980ti NOW because the war is on. And I don't mean performance, I don't really give a crap about that I mean price. Price price price.

Talk to me AMD..... God I'm so proud of myself for having self control.
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