You keep saying "fact" instead of "opinion" -
One set of "experts" say X is true and another set of equally believable "experts" say X is false so why should we listen to you state "as fact" that you and your experts are right and everyone else and their experts are wrong? What proof do we uneducated plebs have that the highly technical scientific data that the scientists present is accurate when no "impartial" body is agreeing with one side or the other and the research the other experts provide refutes the previous experts claims as the pendulum swings the argument each way?
The Russian aren't ignoring facts, everyone agrees that some form of Climate Change is real, even the Russians. The problem the Russians and most of the West have is not with Greta's warnings (we've known about it for the past 45 years), but instead it's all to do with Greta's "Solutions" which most agree are horrifying, de-industrialising the West (which is massively reducing already it's emissions, US is down 10%) back to living life like a 1700's mud farmer whilst China (the biggest polluter and increasing rapidly since 2011) and India (the second fastest riser since 2011 and 3rd worst polluter), who she never talks about in her "Solution" BTW, kill the world with pollutants without being checked by the now de-industrialised West.
The overwhelming consensus now in peer reviewed research is, meat is generally not as beneficial to a person as someone who does eat it. The key understanding you have here is a pool of data, say, '1000' peer reviewed papers - first we check who funded it - to bare in mind impartiality, we then review each paper - to peer review it - we then seek trends in the data, again bearing in mind who funded the research or if if was done by an independant educational institution that's funding is in no way related to the research.
The general factual results coming in, as a trend say, meat isn't a very good food source, nor is it particularly a good source of protein - in terms of health, remember, the animal only built its own protein from the protein found in its plant based food source.
So to answer your question the pendulum is swinging excessively in the direction of a vegan diet being generally overwhelmingly better for a human.
Why are vegetarians always so pushy?
It's not going to kill me to eat a little meat and I enjoy it. Each to their own.
Because 'we' generally have realised something so obviously profound, it baffles us why people choose to ignore it - but is to important not to share.
I'm sure in the 40/50/60s some people 'nagged' about how bad smoking was for people, but generally people didnt care, believe it or ignored it - despite at the time in the research of the day overwhelming floods of papers were beginning to appear stating a direct link between smoking and cancer - however a great many of papers came out claiming smoking was actually good for you - these were funded by tobacco companies.
The same thing is happening again today, this time with the meat industry - the 'propaganda' is designed to keep people buying and eating meat - over simplifying it, as the tobacco industry did decades ago, a simple example being 'protein is good for you' same as back then they would have said 'tobacco is a natural plant' - it paints a picture that is disingenuous.
The irony of your comment that it won't kill you, is, in-fact, meat consumption over a life time is exactly one of the main reasons for heart conditions and cancer in the west today, 3 personal close family members in my family are currently all dealing with recent heart attacks or cancer treatment, they have all had meat nearly every meal and dairy, all in their mid 60's, all extremely fit and slim, never smoked either. Given modern living and medical care, mid 60's is far to young to suffer this.........the only common link is a high meat high animal product diet, in addition one of the close family friends has suffered random health issues in the past 5 years, finally, the one guy in the friend group who is the same age, grew up in the same area, lived in the same area all his life - same body size, mass, not fat etc is as fit as a fiddle - he's had decades of relentless friendly mocking from everyone for being a veggi his whole life (not even vegan) - yet he's now the last man standing - sure its too small a sample size and circumstantial - but it just so happens to be the same result as countless studies to date.
The main take away here is - the studies are done, and ongoing we dont have to wait to see 'how it goes' the evidence is overwhelming, but its not in mainstream media, it hurts the rich friends of newspapers to remove an entire food industry.
Remember how smoking is obviously viewed as a health risk today? Its taken nearly 8 decades to reach this point, in another 80 years people will view excessive/any meat consumption in the same way, in that time meat consumption will still happen, in the same way some people still smoke today - as with anything 'radical' accepting the truth is a slow process.