The GPU Folding Thread... X1900 owners in here.

Am I right in thinking that currently the console has to be left open to work - it doesn't work as a service as directx needs it to actually be on the screen?

I guess it's alright as long as it's sat on the taskbar or does the window actually need to be open/selected? :confused:
rich99million said:
Am I right in thinking that currently the console has to be left open to work - it doesn't work as a service as directx needs it to actually be on the screen?

I guess it's alright as long as it's sat on the taskbar or does the window actually need to be open/selected? :confused:

No, it runs quite happily in the taskbar.
The omega drivers are just tweaked for PC performance. I do the same tweaks manually so it should have absolutely no bearing on the GPU client at all.

EDIT: The console client has the exact same options as the CPU client. Like with any client make sure the machine ID is unique, and you will also need to set the CPU utilisation to LOW as opposed to Idle. Not sure why this is, Concorde told me to :p

As has been said the 6.10s have a bug and cause EUE errors in the GPU client.

The link goes to the original 6.10s so will still have the bug.

SiriusB said:
EDIT: The console client has the exact same options as the CPU client. Like with any client make sure the machine ID is unique, and you will also need to set the CPU utilisation to LOW as opposed to Idle. Not sure why this is, Concorde told me to :p
I believe you set it to LOW and the CPU clients to IDLE to make sure that the GPU client will always have as much CPU as it wants and leave what's left for the CPU clients.
This is probably only required if you're running a total of 3 clients (1xGPU & 2xCPU) on your dual-core or 2 clients (1xGPU & 1xCPU) on a single core.
SiriusB said:
EDIT: The console client has the exact same options as the CPU client. Like with any client make sure the machine ID is unique, and you will also need to set the CPU utilisation to LOW as opposed to Idle. Not sure why this is, Concorde told me to :p

Ok thanks.
Yeah baby thats 600+ PPD from me :D

Should be in the 700-800PPD overall range soon enough... might just fight off deej that little bit longer!

heh, overclocked my XTX abit more on stock volts,

692/842 now, shaved a whole 2 seconds off my time, 2!!! :p

Thats 200 seconds saved... 3 whole minutes, 20 seconds LOL :p

830PPD, woof!

1.1k PPD total on my C2D @ 2.8ghz :/

Thats pretty pants still when I could be getting 2k PPD+ :(
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1.1K from one machine is pretty impressive!

I have two machines plus 3 borgs and I only get about 700PPD.

Would be higher if I could OC my XT but at the moment the VF-900 isn't working properly :( And I am far too lazy to remount it lol.

shadowscotland said:
slacker in the house :p

It would mean turn my PC not on, unplugging the myriad of cables, lugging the beast down the stairs [the best is in a Coolermaster Stacker, which is 15KG EMPTY!] and then do all the remounting, then lug it back upstairs, plug everything back in and switch it on again.

It is something I need to build up to :D

Forgive me for being a bit behind in graphics card technology but if I wanted to get a X1900 for crunching purposes I wouldn't need a "master" card, would I? That's just if you want to crossfire a pair of boards :confused:
I have minimal interest in gaming, my current card is an AGP GF4 MX-460! :eek:
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