Lets just remember that way back it was Leicester who originally started all this. When they went bankrupt, whilst building a new stadium and had all their debts written off. Started afresh with the new owner, a new stadium, etc. So, how they can claim to feel hard done by is beyond me.Funny how there's been so little out rage on here for Leicester cheating. The utter hypocrisy of them phoning in on talksport yesterday with the defence of 'you would do the same if you could get away with it' totally forgetting how they said they would sue Everton for their lost PL place.
For all the fans faux outrage against the biggest teams I bet they are all at it one way or another. The only sane fan I heard yesterday was a Leicester fan saying if they could win the PL and an FA cup, sell off huge value assets and still have to fudge the books because they couldn't make PSR then something is clearly broken with football finances.