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The GTX 980 Ti owners thread.

In addition a higher asic should pull less power and run cooler at stock, I think a lower asic is meant to be better for extreme overclocking though but not sure about the physics behind it.
Ill be honest and say i know nothing about asic quality and its true affect on GPU overclocking besides what my old experiement told me would have a lot of unknown variables that could affect the end result. I have my ideas of course but thats it and about lower asic being better for water cooling well that has always had me stumped.
Had a quick muck about with overclocking but I don't have much time right now.

At around 1500MHz I start getting red blips appear all over the screen in the Witcher 3. Experimenting with +12-+50mV didn't seem to make any difference. Temps drop to 63C with the fans at 100%, however.

Anything else I can try or is that just the chip limited? One thing I did notice was that usage would drop to 2% for one count every 30seconds or so.

this exact same thing happens to me, at around 1500MHz core clock i start getting red blotches on the screen and upping the voltage does nothing to help , i guess that's the limit of out chips, cant moan at 1492mhz though, beast haha, i need to check out that custom bios so i can constantly run at 1501Mhz as it actually down-clocks to 1492mhz after temp hits roughly 69c - 70c

can someone link me up to the article about flashing custom bios on the msi gtx 980ti gaming, cant find it :/
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this exact same thing happens to me, at around 1500MHz core clock i start getting red blotches on the screen and upping the voltage does nothing to help , i guess that's the limit of out chips, cant moan at 1492mhz though, beast haha, i need to check out that custom bios so i can constantly run at 1501Mhz as it actually down-clocks to 1492mhz after temp hits roughly 69c - 70c

can someone link me up to the article about flashing custom bios on the msi gtx 980ti gaming, cant find it :/
Here ya go :)

My card tops out at 1520MHz/2008MHz, this seems just about average for a Gigabyte G1. Coil whine happens no matter the power limit (even though it doesn't seem to use over 93%, regardless of what's set in Afterburner)

Would it be worth 'risking' the decent OC for a chance at getting rid of coil whine? I'm not sure which is more important to me.

Edit: I would like a card that performs well, but I would also like a card I can't hear through my headset.

My card tops out at 1520MHz/2008MHz, this seems just about average for a Gigabyte G1. Coil whine happens no matter the power limit (even though it doesn't seem to use over 93%, regardless of what's set in Afterburner)

Would it be worth 'risking' the decent OC for a chance at getting rid of coil whine? I'm not sure which is more important to me.

Edit: I would like a card that performs well, but I would also like a card I can't hear through my headset.

Sounds like you need to get it replaced. At the end of the day if the replacement clocks 50-70mhz less so what? Its almost negligible.
sent my MSI 6G's back :(, will miss them. Have got 2x EVGA 980Ti reference's for a full water loop for both cards and the CPU, 2x480 + 1 240 Rad. Mainly as a first time project but also to keep noise and heat down to a minimum which is starting to bug me on the current build. great coolers but in SLI they can get quite hot and noisy 80c+ and 85%+ fan speed on the top card. Hopefully can reflash if needed and overclock them more to give more performance while keeping cool.

Havent got them in yet though just waiting for my 900D tomorrow to move all my bits into and then order my watercooling stuff next week. Quite a bit is out of stock so might be a few weeks untill its all completed but I dont mind. The cards are so much thinner (PCB width) than the MSI and Im not really a reference fan but that will all be gone in a few weeks so I can keep with them for now untill i put blocks on them.
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What sort of voltages are people pushing through these to get clocks in the 1400+ range?
on stock volts I get to +175 (1277) core, and if i go up 5mhz, it starts crashing.
I can get that stable with +15mv, but then +190 core isn't stable at +35mv so didn't really want to start pushing too hard for a 24/7 clock.
sent my MSI 6G's back :(, will miss them. Have got 2x EVGA 980Ti reference's for a full water loop for both cards and the CPU, 2x480 + 1 240 Rad. Mainly as a first time project but also to keep noise and heat down to a minimum which is starting to bug me on the current build. great coolers but in SLI they can get quite hot and noisy 80c+ and 85%+ fan speed on the top card. Hopefully can reflash if needed and overclock them more to give more performance while keeping cool.

Havent got them in yet though just waiting for my 900D tomorrow to move all my bits into and then order my watercooling stuff next week. Quite a bit is out of stock so might be a few weeks untill its all completed but I dont mind. The cards are so much thinner (PCB width) than the MSI and Im not really a reference fan but that will all be gone in a few weeks so I can keep with them for now untill i put blocks on them.

I've decided that if I get another Ti then I'll make it a Hybrid (either bought or DIY) for the top card, just to keep noise/temps in check :)
Scratching my head over which TI to get. I have the KFA2 GeForce GTX 980Ti "Hall of Fame" on pre-order but no idea when its going to arrive. Meanwhile, with money being no issue here I am starting to see little reason not to get what appears to be the fastest 980TI available in the Amp Extreme. The KFA would suit my white/black theme. but the wait is agonizing.

I don't think you'll be disappointed, I've got mine clocked at 1512mhz and while I'm not one for running benchmarks, I've been happily playing gta5 for days with no issues. I've set my own profile for the fans and once my card hits 50c they ramp up to 70% which keeps temps at around 52c
What sort of voltages are people pushing through these to get clocks in the 1400+ range?
on stock volts I get to +175 (1277) core, and if i go up 5mhz, it starts crashing.
I can get that stable with +15mv, but then +190 core isn't stable at +35mv so didn't really want to start pushing too hard for a 24/7 clock.

I've been too scared to modify the voltage, I've heard bad things!

My afterburner looks like this:


The power doesn't get anywhere close to 130% used though, sits around 93% under Firestrike/Heaven/Valley.
What sort of voltages are people pushing through these to get clocks in the 1400+ range?
on stock volts I get to +175 (1277) core, and if i go up 5mhz, it starts crashing.
I can get that stable with +15mv, but then +190 core isn't stable at +35mv so didn't really want to start pushing too hard for a 24/7 clock.

1277 on core. What is that when it boosts in game?

What card you got?
I've been too scared to modify the voltage, I've heard bad things!

My afterburner looks like this:


The power doesn't get anywhere close to 130% used though, sits around 93% under Firestrike/Heaven/Valley.

my power limit is 109, how come yours is substantially more when we both have stock bios's :/ im getting voltage limit 1 on afterburner, is that normal
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