Not really on the ball with 980Ti stuff, are Inno3D any good?
I want something pretty quiet but still runs well out of the box.
I've already got a H105 in my case but it's a 780T so should have enough room for another AIO.
I would go for it, it's a good brand
So here's what I have to say about this thing:
Compared to HoF and Amp! Exteme (and even the inno X3) is tiny.
Quieter than Hof, because that damn card has a bad fan controller.
No whine whatsoever and went
over 5k in Firestrike Ultra at the first run, while just checking how well it handles 1500Mhz on the core.
Asic is lower than my HoF (70 vs 74) but that's fine.
Overall as I imagined, if you get a whine free G1, it's one of the best cards you can get
In my opinion superior to HoF and Extreme because of their broken fan controller (unacceptable in this price range).
P.S. Hate the fact I can't change colors without OC Guru. Silent/stop leds are also quite ridicolous.
My bios is Is it the latest? Can't really understand from
this page.
Also can't get the OSD from OC Guru to work. Soon I'll get over how cool it is to change colours and I'll go back to Afterburner anyway.