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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

Guys posted this in another thread but it got looked over..

What kind of performance would SLI 970 be vs Titan X? none of the benchmarks i can see used SLI 970 so trying to make a comparison is a bit hard for me..
Yeah, easy to get caught up in the hype.

Which is why I am glad they announced it 22 hours before they launched it for sale, gave me time to come to my senses and realise how stupid it would be (for me) to buy one.

The only other time I got caught out by forum hype is when Gibbo announced the 'amazing, one time only' price of the 295x2 at £699.99

A month later it was down to £499.99......

haa I remember that
Has it been mentioned when these will actually be available? I know OC's are putting them up at 2pm today but is that just a pre order?
Yeah, easy to get caught up in the hype.

Which is why I am glad they announced it 22 hours before they launched it for sale, gave me time to come to my senses and realise how stupid it would be (for me) to buy one.

The only other time I got caught out by forum hype is when Gibbo announced the 'amazing, one time only' price of the 295x2 at £699.99

A month later it was down to £499.99......

Yup I got caught with something similar when going for the 980, got told the price was going up to £500 and not sure when it was coming back down again if ever....look at it now.
970 SLI would be faster in 1080p and that's it.

970 SLI would be roughly 20% faster.......but the Titan X would be much better in Daz 3D graphics, because my rig defaults to one card only whilst rendering.... Titan X could easily ``feel`` about 3 times quicker.

it takes 3 minutes to render a human figure in HD.
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So if I run a 21:9 2560x1080 monitor and use DSR a lot then Titan X as a single card should work better for me..

I do find running 21:9 res and DSR i hit Vram limits quite often in newer titles

Not about the performance there. TBH I would surmise that the 970 SLI would still be a tiny bit quicker but that's here nor there 'cause you can buy two 970s for £500.

So then you have price entering the equation.

I would go 970 SLI or even better, R290 CFX for £430 and wait for the real high end, reasonably priced Maxwell.

This one is a pick your nose and blow off card. If money is no object to you then do it, and pics or it didn't happen. Otherwise there are far more solutions that actually make financial sense available to you.
i never have problems at 1080p, but i wouldn't risk using it above that

TBH I would stick my neck out and say the 970 would be safe at 1440p providing you didn't do anything stupid.

IE - I can drown myself in the bath if I really wanted to, doesn't mean I would, though.

I have three Titan Blacks. Sell them for two of these?

No. Just, no.

If you do though LMK lol.
Yeah, easy to get caught up in the hype.

Which is why I am glad they announced it 22 hours before they launched it for sale, gave me time to come to my senses and realise how stupid it would be (for me) to buy one.

The only other time I got caught out by forum hype is when Gibbo announced the 'amazing, one time only' price of the 295x2 at £699.99

A month later it was down to £499.99......

Because I'm not buying and I'm not some bitter ahole who wouldn't want to see some one else's Titan X?

Pics or it didn't happen = prove it :D

Here are my SLI 970's


As you say money is no object to me which at the moment is true... my 970's in this case are super cool both idling at 26-30 and rarely go over 63 at load as i had fans directly blowing over the backs..

but come 2pm today I f I decided to get a titan X and sell on my 970's i will for sure post a picture just to me my Epeen much larger than it is now :D
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