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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

Thanks Triss, I read someone's post saying it's up to 100c, teaches me for not reading the proper reviews.

Would one of these do at 1440 maxing all current games out (Witcher 3 included) or would I be better getting another 980 to go SLI?

The memory modules get over 100°C IIRC, the GPU core gets in the mid 80's
It means that

1) Overclocking the memory is pretty much impossible on air, so core overclocks are the only way to extract more performance. That in itself is not the end of the World as the core can be overclocked quite significantly.

2) More heat will be expelled in to the case, even with the TitanX cooling exhausting most of the heat out of the back of the case. This in turn could raise CPU temperatures.

Look at the results. Only once does a 295x2 lose and that's in Skyrim, a known Crossfire hater. IIRC 2 980s were faster than a 295x2 until you hit 4k so there should be your answer.

Don't get me wrong she's fast, she just ain't that fast.

You're only looking at a single game there so that's not really a reason to disregard the Titan X being almost as quick as 980 SLi and hardly a game to compare with!

As per other thread, benches say otherwise:

It means that

1) Overclocking the memory is pretty much impossible on air, so core overclocks are the only way to extract more performance. That in itself is not the end of the World as the core can be overclocked quite significantly.

2) More heat will be expelled in to the case, even with the TitanX cooling exhausting most of the heat out of the back of the case. This in turn could raise CPU temperatures.

Thanks buddy, still can't make my mind up now whether to go SLI or just a single one of these.
Did you read what I said? I said in every test the 295x2 won apart from Skyrim. How is that one game?!?! Go look at the Bit tech review again. Please don't make me have to download about ten images and wave them in your face.

I'm all for getting excited but you're letting your heart rule your head. It isn't as fast as 980 SLI and never will be.

In fact, compared to the original Titan the gains over the X80 card are less. IE - Titan X is less % faster than the 980 than the original was over the 680 and even then the Titan wasn't as fast as the 680 in SLI dude.

Back to the thread. I'm actually wondering how this will sell compared to the original now that they've taken the workstation crowd out of the equation. I know an awful lot of people who bought the original for the compute.
Did you read what I said? I said in every test the 295x2 won apart from Skyrim. How is that one game?!?! Go look at the Bit tech review again. Please don't make me have to download about ten images and wave them in your face.

I'm all for getting excited but you're letting your heart rule your head. It isn't as fast as 980 SLI and never will be.

In fact, compared to the original Titan the gains over the X80 card are less. IE - Titan X is less % faster than the 980 than the original was over the 680 and even then the Titan wasn't as fast as the 680 in SLI dude.

Back to the thread. I'm actually wondering how this will sell compared to the original now that they've taken the workstation crowd out of the equation. I know an awful lot of people who bought the original for the compute.

In one of the review describe the x295 as a mess. It had the fps over the titan x but was not as smooth as the titan. I thought it was all about frame pacing and all that stuff?
Digital Foundry (Eurogamer) review mentioned specifically the 980 GTX in SLI had better fps but that the game was actually smoother on TitanX

They were talking specifically about Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare though - Not really the most demanding game.


Eurogamer said:
The COD situation highlights another advantage of single-chip over SLI - the fact that some games simply don't work properly with it. In truth, a single GTX 980 offers a better experience than an SLI set-up owing to the insane stutter using a multi-GPU set-up incurs. It's worth taking a look at our Titan X overclock vs GTX 970/980 video - the combination of more RAM and no need to synchronise two cards results in smoother performance overall.

At no point though, did they test 2x 290x or 295x2 in comparison for AMD crossfire on that particular review.
In one of the review describe the x295 as a mess. It had the fps over the titan x but was not as smooth as the titan. I thought it was all about frame pacing and all that stuff?

That's been addressed now. Now sure not every game is going to work well in multi GPU scenarios but you don't really rate a technology on when it doesn't work.

Seriously though I'm really not getting into this. It's 40ft pole stuff. It isn't anywhere near as fast as 980 SLI and was never going to be. Whoever claims it is is closing one eye and squinting when they look at the results.

It's a fast card I'm not denying that. It just ain't that fast.

At no point though, did they test 2x 290x or 295x2 in comparison for AMD crossfire on that particular review.

Look at the Bit tech review. The only game the Titan X won in was Skyrim and that's donkey's old. The 295x2 swept up in pretty much everything else and in 1080p and 1440p you can add 10% more on top of that for the 980 in SLI. 4k no, but anything else the 980 will beat the 295x2.
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