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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

have any of you SLI guys noticed any micro stutter yet?

I'd be very interested in this too. The sole reason I've gone Titan X from SLI 780 Ti's is to try and eliminate micro stutter once and for all. And in my testing so far, it's going very well!
It does irk me a bit when I see people saying 'go for one Titan x, single fast card is always the Best way' and then they go and get 2 of the buggers. Surely if you do this you're right back in the same boat no?

Or, is Titan x somehow different in SLI than previous cards with regards to micro stutter. Genuine question as I seem to recall one titan x review that had SLI as well as single, and the dropped frames and fcat figures were amazing for titan x SLI. The results for SLI seemed better than a single card, which seemed very odd and unlikely to me....
None at all. In every game I have played (and I have tested loads), it has been super smooth. You having problems?

No still on single card, but im going to order in a few weeks when they come back in stock, thought id ask because I don't actually need a 2nd card with 1440p and I don't want to introduce issues for no reason :)

If that makes sense lol

the 2 980s had stutter in a couple of games like mordor and flickered in Dragon age Inquision & watch dogs

all the above run sweet on a single card BTW
If I am going to be brutally honest, I say stick with 1 card for the ROG Swift. 2 cards work well but still the occasional problem in some games (flickering textures in FarCry 4 with SSAO - Occasioal stutter in B:AO).

Of course these are minor problems and very rare, so part of me goes against what I first said but knowing what I do, I would have been happy to stay on 1 card for 1440P :)
If I am going to be brutally honest, I say stick with 1 card for the ROG Swift. 2 cards work well but still the occasional problem in some games (flickering textures in FarCry 4 with SSAO - Occasioal stutter in B:AO).

Of course these are minor problems and very rare, so part of me goes against what I first said but knowing what I do, I would have been happy to stay on 1 card for 1440P :)

I think the best option is getting 2 cards.

Disable one if you have any sorts of SLI issues in specific games.

The best of both worlds :D
Finally got round to this:

Whilst waiting for my Titan X's to arrive (still waiting) I was playing Far Cry 4 on my 2nd PC at the weekend.

4770k @ 4.4Ghz
Palit Jetstream 980 GTX
8GB Ram

Settings were:
AA Off
Nvidia Gameworks settings on (Fur, Godrays, HBAO+ etc)

Was getting 30 fps average according to Afterburner, but no stuttering.

I'd previously played it with Crossfire (295x2/290x) and there was horrible stuttering. That was ultimately alleviated by enabling VSYNC & Triple Buffering, but introduced input lag.

How does Far Cry 4 do with SLI? Is it the same thing that it doesn't play nice?

In light of this:
I think the best option is getting 2 cards.

Disable one if you have any sorts of SLI issues in specific games.

The best of both worlds :D

What will be better for Far Cry 4?
1x Titan X
2x Titan X SLI?
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Whilst waiting for my Titan X's to arrive (still waiting) I was playing Far Cry 4 on my 2nd PC at the weekend.

4770k @ 4.4Ghz
Palit Jetstream 980 GTX
8GB Ram

Settings were:
AA Off
Nvidia Gameworks settings on (Fur, Godrays, HBAO+ etc)

Was getting 30 fps average according to Afterburner, but no stuttering.

I'd previously played it with Crossfire (295x2/290x) and there was horrible stuttering. That was ultimately alleviated by enabling VSYNC & Triple Buffering, but introduced input lag.

How does Far Cry 4 do with SLI? Is it the same thing that it doesn't play nice?

In light of this:

What will be better for Far Cry 4?
1x Titan X
2x Titan X SLI?

Let me give it a roll with one card at those settings and get back to you later today.
Let me give it a roll with one card at those settings and get back to you later today.

I played FC4 over the weekend with one card and it played brilliant I even went online and did some Co-op with my brother and it was a very smooth experience especially with G-Sync

edit: sorry didn't see that you had it at 2160p rez, not sure about that rez
Bit late to the picture party as I actually got this on Friday, but here we go.....a brilliant Titanic cat for a brilliant Titanic card (I must insist that all future pics feature an animal too) :D

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