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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

9 Mar 2015
As the titan x was on sale i picked up a 3rd one to try out, a different brand to my other two. Got one with a worse asic at 60%, my other two are 76% & 73%. The overclock boosts were running lower than my 2 way so in afterburner i had to seperate the cards and clock the new one differently to get anywhere near my previous boost speeds. Had to add +45mv to max the stock bios voltage at 1.218 and a slightly higher core clock by 10 to get all three running at 1404 stable with custom fan profiles. The other two cards have no volts increase. This is all running on stock coolers. Getting temps between 70- low 80's depending on how taxing the game or bench is.

Any thoughts on whether that voltage for the new card is ok for gaming or is it better to run at lower clocks in 3 way with no volt increase. Not increased volts for overclocking before so some advice would be appreciated. The gpu temps seem fine.

Same as you here. First card had an ASIC of 62%. Until I recieved my second one which came with an ASIC of 72% had nothing to compare it with. The first card seems to use a lot more volts while running 120 Mhz slower as well. Have to normally disconnect the two and up the voltage also so curious if there are any issues.
9 Mar 2015
ASIC in reality means very little to standard overclocks, My 780 Ti had an ASIC quality of 60% yet overclocked to 1250 on the core 24/7 stable, My 980 was 63% yet did 1550 on the core.

Agree with this, my poor ASIC one seems to overclock fine reaching 1450 Mhz stable no issue, but does need some extra volts to do so, and while idling seems to use abit more and on average boosts less. Guess we cant have it all :D
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Any idea why my motherboard is running my cards at x8 and x16? There's nothing in the BIOS to change it.

X99 ZPower AC. Thought I'd ask in here quickly before starting a thread in the motherboard section.
4 Apr 2011
Any idea why my motherboard is running my cards at x8 and x16? There's nothing in the BIOS to change it.

X99 ZPower AC. Thought I'd ask in here quickly before starting a thread in the motherboard section.

What cpu do you have ? You might be running out of lanes
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