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The GTX Titan X owners thread.


Loving these IDLEs about 13c lower over stock cooler, stays like this when browsing and watching videos via VLC or Streaming. Really impressive how little power / heat these cards use when at desktop.

What clocks and voltage are you running under load in games Boom?

Still wondering whether to go AIO :p
ah yeah i remember talking to you about this dess. you were getting 40 fps in witcher 3 or something like that? is that playable/smooth for you though?

problem is I dont want to get one titan x then having to get another because one isnt enough. if thats the case then id rather wait for 980ti sli even if i have to stick with a 660 for a few weeks... :(

For myself I found 1 Titan X good , but there are the few odd games which can be demanding for 3440 x 1440 when maxing settings, which lets face it, we all want to do :p. In the end jumped for a second TX few days and love it. the two cards will generally also run quieter as they split the load but settings and games seem to run a lot smoother. IMO I think two 980 TI's would be the better option, and had I not gone down the Titan route would have been my pick.
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Made the Jump to the second TX, managed to snag the EVGA superclocked (which was the cheapest in the UK at the time from a reputable shop which I wont mention) but seems to over clock better, just need to flash the Bios to my first card I think. But 3440 x 1440 runs much better :D


Did you put backplates on those ? EVGA by chance ?

Nope not exactly, I used the EK backplates. I actually planned to watercool the cards, but buggered up one of the crew threads so could not pull the reference cooler off.

So I had the EK backplate already and sawed down the screw mounts underneath and managed to screw down the backplate in some locations
Nope not exactly, I used the EK backplates. I actually planned to watercool the cards, but buggered up one of the crew threads so could not pull the reference cooler off.

So I had the EK backplate already and sawed down the screw mounts underneath and managed to screw down the backplate in some locations

Very nice, Does the silver EK badge on the right of the card come off by chance ?
I need a backplate for my Titan X, but I'm not water cooling. would these Ek plates fit ok?

Yep As dicehunter kindly pointed out its a bit of a DIY job. It will fit, but if I was you don't lift the card by holding the backplate even after filing down. Does not seem to do much for temperatures, more aesthetics really
@RadoX ahh i remember you! youre the one with the in-win glass case i commented on awhile back. man... so jealous of your build :(

Thanks for the advice. guess i will just have to wait some more but man im trying my hardest not to buy a titan right now :/
As the titan x was on sale i picked up a 3rd one to try out, a different brand to my other two. Got one with a worse asic at 60%, my other two are 76% & 73%. The overclock boosts were running lower than my 2 way so in afterburner i had to seperate the cards and clock the new one differently to get anywhere near my previous boost speeds. Had to add +45mv to max the stock bios voltage at 1.218 and a slightly higher core clock by 10 to get all three running at 1404 stable with custom fan profiles. The other two cards have no volts increase. This is all running on stock coolers. Getting temps between 70- low 80's depending on how taxing the game or bench is.

Any thoughts on whether that voltage for the new card is ok for gaming or is it better to run at lower clocks in 3 way with no volt increase. Not increased volts for overclocking before so some advice would be appreciated. The gpu temps seem fine.
For anyone interested i am running my 3 way overclocked on a corsair ax1200i with no issue so far with a i74930k at 4.4ghz with 1.4v, 32GB of ram, 1TB SSD and 3TB WD black.
For anyone interested i am running my 3 way overclocked on a corsair ax1200i with no issue so far with a i74930k at 4.4ghz with 1.4v, 32GB of ram, 1TB SSD and 3TB WD black.

That is interesting thanks I've got 2 TX's on a 1200i with a 5930k,16GB and a 500GB ssd all water cooled dual loop. Do you know what your systems power draw is? Was thinking of adding a third.

That is interesting thanks I've got 2 TX's on a 1200i with a 5930k,16GB and a 500GB ssd all water cooled dual loop. Do you know what your systems power draw is? Was thinking of adding a third.


I only have a corsair h100i to cool the cpu so perhaps draws less power than your loop i don't know. I used to run x3 sli titan blacks (the same TDP) not overclocked without an issue before this. I thought well it's not like games draw 100% from cpu and 3 gpus at the same time so i thought i would try running the overclocks and see. I have no idea about power draw as i don't have corsair link installed now. I have seen a website run x4 titan x at stock with a non overclocked i75960x on a test bench which still ran just on the 1200i psu so i should be fine. They overclocked the cpu to 4.2 while in 4 way stock and had a few lockups as it was drawing 1300w.
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