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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

3 Jun 2014

"GTA V running at 4K on a single Titan X and I didn't even bother setting power limit or any overclocks."

I presume the advanced settings were set to off. What fps do you get in the countryside as that usually tanks the fps more? Have you noticed the latest patch has made large fps drops at times for no reason? Nice video by the way :)
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Just had a quick play with everything the same and yes, advanced settings were off and in the countryside, lowest frames I saw were 42 and that was going massively off road and in the thickets.
18 Nov 2009
I put the following query in the motherboard section but thought you guys might know the answer in here. Seems to be more people browse this part of the forum.

Hi guys just in the process of building my x99 build. Hit a snag though. My titan x won't fit in the first pci 3 slot as the back plate clashes with the output panel. Am I ok to place my titan x in the second slot? Don't want to fill my loop only to discover it won't work and that I need to take my backplate off
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
I put the following query in the motherboard section but thought you guys might know the answer in here. Seems to be more people browse this part of the forum.

Hi guys just in the process of building my x99 build. Hit a snag though. My titan x won't fit in the first pci 3 slot as the back plate clashes with the output panel. Am I ok to place my titan x in the second slot? Don't want to fill my loop only to discover it won't work and that I need to take my backplate off

Yer, stick it in the second slot and you will be good to go.
10 Nov 2012
I put the following query in the motherboard section but thought you guys might know the answer in here. Seems to be more people browse this part of the forum.

Hi guys just in the process of building my x99 build. Hit a snag though. My titan x won't fit in the first pci 3 slot as the back plate clashes with the output panel. Am I ok to place my titan x in the second slot? Don't want to fill my loop only to discover it won't work and that I need to take my backplate off
That's strange, mine fits fine
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