The hangout thread (organising social gaming etc)

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I've just realised i can't do Sunday evening! I've got a birthday dinner to attend. I can probably do Sunday afternoon around 4pm ish? ( it's just the 3rd level right, shouldn't take too long).

Or i can do today in the afternoon 4/5.

Might have to try elite.
Be warned, it has a HUGE learning curve, plus you really need a HOTAS to play it effectively in VR, and even then I use the mouse and keyboard for the galaxy map.

Make sure you play the tutorial missions to get yourself used to the controls.

Also as a beginner make sure any ship you have has a supercruise assist module, as it makes cruising to planets and stations massively easier.

If you join a wing you can get much bigger rewards than you can get on your own.

I'm hoping that you're going to help me out :D.

I have two joysticks, and am happy to go dual stick with it.
Well that was quick! Sorry I couldn't do another, but those first levels can take a good old while at times, and i didn't want to start something I couldn't finish.

Who's joining us for movie night tomorrow!?
If we join an Oculus party first tonight I will give you the Big Screen room code there. Just remembered anyone can view the forum, so I want to limit the code to the actual hangout group.
Unless anyone has a better plan to distribute the code - PMs via Oculus?

Think an oculus party makes most sense to me. I'll probably join that in standalone (since the chat seems to go a bit weird in pcvr), get the code, then run bigscreen via pcvr.
Maybe try applabs? It might be in applabs, so you'd need to write the name exactly as it appears for a search to show it. I'd already had it on my headset so just installed from there, but maybe in the headset, rather than the phone, you can find it?
To the left, to the left!

Thank you guys, definitely happy with a film next week, or anything to be honest. Not sure when I'm free, but would be interested in meeting up another time too. Perhaps golf etc, depending on numbers (rec room or whatever).
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