every time we do after the fall, on this mission i need to do, someone crashes, and i never get to finish it
so no oculus chat this time ! lol
so no oculus chat this time ! lol
every time we do after the fall, on this mission i need to do, someone crashes, and i never get to finish it
so no oculus chat this time ! lol
ok im going online if you want to join me
The Pc version is much nicer than the Quest 2 version. It's easier to aim and the guns feel better.
Sorry guys i need to give after the fall a miss tonight , but happy to play something else
went into work this morning, soon as i started work, my left shoulder was in a lot of pain, i couldn't use it hardly all day
must have been because of all those reloads of my shotgun last night, doing it quickly because of the reload issue might have buggered it
i was so looking forward to it as well
Sorry guys i need to give after the fall a miss tonight , but happy to play something else
went into work this morning, soon as i started work, my left shoulder was in a lot of pain, i couldn't use it hardly all day
must have been because of all those reloads of my shotgun last night, doing it quickly because of the reload issue might have buggered it
i was so looking forward to it as well
i need a rifle, i dont have one yet lol