The hangout thread (organising social gaming etc)

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Hey all, it had been a tricky couple of weeks for me on Monday's. Moving forward I should be able to do every other week. I will aim to join you guys this Monday if you're planning on having a round of Golf.

does that mean we HAVE to play Golf again? :D

Golf is good mate, we/I don't mind another round on monday

I think we need to update the 1st post @Unseul to put what wants to do some games/movies. what ever in VR socially and best dates people are around so we can hook up with some other people now and again
I've updated the first post a bit, lets see what people want.

Currently for me, Mondays is still by far the best option, other evenings I may be able to do here and there.
I'll hopefully be on time... just realised I promised the boy that we'll watch the second episode of obiwan together, which will almost certainly take us past 8pm. I'll have to let you know closer to the time.
Oh my god, I am so sorry guys. This completely slipped my mind. Had a bit of a busy day and didn't get back home until half 7. Forgot it was Monday.
It was good fun. Surprised Mel won given how bad he was doing at first!
he made a comeback that's for sure

me on the other hand..

You guys had two really bad holes in a row, which brought me back into it. Then I got really lucky on that hole with the spinning things where I fluked through the short way while you both went around the long way.

Any idea when they are releasing new courses?
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