The hangout thread (organising social gaming etc)

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I learnt that in rec royale. I'm not a fan of most FPS, and really not battle royale, but rec royale just works better for me.

It was mostly a time thing that stopped me from doing another level. Mondays are fasting days, so I tend to go to bed early :D.
Well that was a bit of a crazy final round. Ice, vortex and fire, and luckily being able to kill her then. She'd gone berserk too, double attacks with extra damage would have been rather nasty.
I like the way you can be really creative when it comes to dealing with the enemies. There was 3 times during that level where we were "creative" by accident and we ended up either killing most of the mobs or leaving them very depleted in HP.

Now that we gained experience what happens the next time around? Are the mobs harder to kill? Or are new enemies brought into the game?

I hope they introduce more playable character types with the next update.

I think we have different enemies in the next dungeon. I also think experience seems to just unlock cosmetics.

I'm happy to repeat a dungeon to be honest, but would rather do the different one first to keep it fresher.
We're all up for it tomorrow? Obviously depending on who we get will change what we do. Demeo, rec room, walkabout, township etc. See who's available and pick :D.

EDIT - Again, will need a berak at 20.45
Is this some mythical fighting tool, like a bat'leth?

Close, barak (I guess you could spell it berak with the right accent), is hebrew for lightning, a secret weapon called from the skies!

That or I need to put my son to bed, and need to take a break, whichever you fancy...
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I was thinking that whilst having the armour ability as effectively bonus health and healing, not having zap or the backstab damage made it tough. There again that was a really narrow level and i don't know how many backstab opportunities there would have been.
Looking at the Demeo discord and reddit pages, the main tip is to keep to the edges of the board. Makes sense as you can then limit which angles you're attacked from. Also apparently the archer can shoot and hit enemies in dark areas, as the cursor changes when it's over an enemy.

That's a really handy tip, since the archer was losing usefulness.
That barricade was actually really useful. 10hps too, so it lasted a while.

Though I wonder if enemies can walk through lamps? If I put a lamp in a small doorway, is it permanently blocked off to enemies now? As they don't seem to hit them deliberately. Expensive, but potentially useful.
I've got it on steam, since it came in a bundle. Not a big zombie shooter fan, apparently still not when it comes to VR too, but I'd be up for a go of multiplayer I reckon.
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