The hating of the English.

O bhatt, ew need a cwtch or wat?

Wales is magnificent, I can pop on a bus and go to Cardiff in less than a hour - or walk through the countryside which surrounds my little village.

Cardiff, at night, is everything that is wrong with Wales. The countryside in Wales is bleak. Occasionally the bleakness is broken up by an abandoned mine. Or a sheep. The villages, or more specifically, the locals in the villages that dot the landscape are akin to Hobbits. Or something from one of those American horror films about the inbreds that have been cut off from civilisation for a while and are intent or raping, killing and eating anything that comes into their village.
What civilized outrock do you hail from OhEsEcks?

Where banter crosses the line I do believe the press and state media have a large hand to play in this, both in terms of commentary tone and also in inequality of coverage historically. The history of the UK has always conjured up this distaste for other peoples within the isles, it is nothing new. It isn't absolute but it has always existed. Primarily based on historical outlook or passed grievences, and passed down generation to generation by some fashion. As one nations identity rises or falls these issues can flare amongst some. It can be hard for people to be clear on what is rivalry, fun, or more misguided prejudice depending on their point of view, or more often than not conflation of issues. Such as mistaking people directly as the state and so on.

It's been like this for a thousand years. Political union probably worsened it over the last quarter of that, certainly in the early days it did in any event. A group of proud nations with the history long gone, and political disagreements to fill that void as the nations diverge politically is not going to leave everyone feeling as one. The UK can be a celebration of all the nations of the UK, but for others it can be equally as antagonistic.
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[FnG]magnolia;22294538 said:
I went to Cardiff once and had to start a fight myself. True story :(

I find the best tactic to avoiding trouble in Cardiff is to start a fight with yourself so people think you're mental and leave you alone.

Edit: Having said that no doubt you could be arguing with yourself and someone from Cardiff would take offence to what you said and want to start a fight about it which does nothing but tell you how mental they already are. From the inbreeding.
Most mainlanders I've met are *******s.

The English are the worst. Every time there's a sports contest it's going to be England's year. They've won sod all of importance since 1966. That's why they got the Olympics. The rest of the world felt bad for them and the rest of the world said "like hell we're going to try and top China's opening ceremony, give it too England". And only the English are arrogant enough to believe they can. And no matter what tripe they trot out the country will come together claiming it was the best opening ceremony ever. They also never shut the **** up about the 1966 world cup, or the ****ing olympics. Or the war. Or how good "our boys" are. They conquered the world, but get ****ed off when the natives of those conquered lands follow them home. When they go on holiday they do so like they're still conquering and crusading by drinking their way across the country and ****ing over everything and fighting with all the natives.

The Scottish are hateful people who hate everything for no good reason. To justify their hatred of everything and anything they blame everything and anything from the English to the Troubles and sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. It's so boring in Scotland with nothing to do but become an alcoholic or heroin addict. They also like knives because the savages haven't discovered fire, gun powder or electricity.

The Welsh are Welsh and the less said about them the better. The accent is horrific. The food is awful. The weather sucks. The towns and villages are so depressing in Wales that instead of having outbreaks of alcoholism or drug addiction like in Scotland the youth kill themselves on mass.

The Irish are twinkly eyed ladder stealing drive way tarmac'ers. The world would be a much better place if the entire island was sunk.

I like this guy. Can we keep him?
Most mainlanders I've met are *******s.

The English are the worst. Every time there's a sports contest it's going to be England's year. They've won sod all of importance since 1966. That's why they got the Olympics. The rest of the world felt bad for them and the rest of the world said "like hell we're going to try and top China's opening ceremony, give it too England". And only the English are arrogant enough to believe they can. And no matter what tripe they trot out the country will come together claiming it was the best opening ceremony ever. They also never shut the **** up about the 1966 world cup, or the ****ing olympics. Or the war. Or how good "our boys" are. They conquered the world, but get ****ed off when the natives of those conquered lands follow them home. When they go on holiday they do so like they're still conquering and crusading by drinking their way across the country and ****ing over everything and fighting with all the natives.

The Scottish are hateful people who hate everything for no good reason. To justify their hatred of everything and anything they blame everything and anything from the English to the Troubles and sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. It's so boring in Scotland with nothing to do but become an alcoholic or heroin addict. They also like knives because the savages haven't discovered fire, gun powder or electricity.

The Welsh are Welsh and the less said about them the better. The accent is horrific. The food is awful. The weather sucks. The towns and villages are so depressing in Wales that instead of having outbreaks of alcoholism or drug addiction like in Scotland the youth kill themselves on mass.

The Irish are twinkly eyed ladder stealing drive way tarmac'ers. The world would be a much better place if the entire island was sunk.
5 star post!
[FnG]magnolia;22294524 said:
Read some of the old posts.

Or don't and pretend that you're telling us some new, wonderful thoughts which you and only you have just come up with! My, it's so exciting! Why has no one done this before?

Well they have but they also understood all of the issues before posting tripe.

If that's the case then the forums need to be closed NOW. Everything has been said before so everyone should just browse the forums instead. Even your condescending tripe reply here has probably been said before.


Be an adult.
If that's the case then the forums need to be closed NOW. Everything has been said before so everyone should just browse the forums instead. Even your condescending tripe reply here has probably been said before.


Be an adult.

Not everything, no. And when there's a thread with new and interesting information it's wonderful. Why do you bash poor gentle Magnolia for dreaming? He has a dream that someone will say something unique and we'll see an insight into ourselves that will strike us like a revelation. You want to crush his dreams. You want to crush them like a sheet of paper and toss them into the bin. You want to rip out his still beating heart and watch him fade to nothing in front of you, watch the life drain from his face and see the end of all his hopes and dreams. You're the bad guy, you're the enemy of hope. This is why we can't have nice things.
This garbage is recycled over and over again and I'm not sure it is even true. I have been watching the tennis and several times on serveral occaisions the BBC after Murray has won, they said the Scot not Brit.

It always seems to be trotted out by the pro independence brigade as a failing of the "english" mainstream media...
It always seems to be trotted out by the pro independence brigade as a failing of the "english" mainstream media...

It's very true. (Edit : what you have said is very true. The whole he's a Scot if he loses is rubbish) I was complaining about it to a friend yesterday. I've drunkenly vowed to slay the next person that trots out that rubbish.

I may break my vow. :p
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