The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Totally agree it looks pants. Whats the point of copying a game thats out just to attract the same players. Blatantly says look we have the same game give us some of your money. I tried WoW, just wasn't my cup of tea. I like mmo's I've played quite a few. I mainly just stick with guildwars now as it is free. Just can't see the point in paying money each month to play. I subscribed to eve for about 2-3 years. I never really played it as much as I should have. If I did i would have been quite sad and never saw day light.
Also, dont forget that when WoW was first release, it's UI was very, very basic. 90% of the UI improvements ahev been player made addons, that Blizzard then went and added into the standard UI in patches.

Thus, WAR hasn't copied WoW, they've researched what players want in a game and implemented it. The same as WoW did.
Since going from 2Gb to 4gb today I can now use max settings in DX9

Well I gave Crysis Warhead a shot :

4x AA
Shadows: Mainstream setting
Water & sound: Enthousiast setting
All the rest: Gamer setting










Water looks far better in motion...
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This arrived today too:D :[IMG]
Heh when I saw the first screenie I instantly thought "Battleships 3D" :eek:
agree with above, the water in warhead looks REAL :eek: i swear the little stream near the start looks almost identical to a stream in cheddar, somerset!
WAR looks like WoW again?:confused: I fail to see how.

WoW at this very moment

WAR Pre-Beta

I fail to see how they look the same?
I have played both and I can honestly say, they look nohing alike graphicly.

EAch is to there own I guess.
Those are very generic characters. Orcs and Goblins with green skin and ragged armour have beena round long before WoW was released (like, for example, in the early 80's, when the Warhammer table top game began). And dwarves with long plaited beards? that's a new one too ;)
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