The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

it was the game i thought it would be, walking into it i had no expectations but it is VERY short, something like 5 levels which is pretty pathetic really, considering there was only 2 new weapons and most of the other assets where just reused from the original

Doesn't it only cost about £15 or something though?

Not that I've played more than a couple of minutes worth at uvmain's house on his shoddy low-end PC :)
I don't think Crysis is anything more than an unoptimised technology showcase designed to make people think they need new hardware (notice the Intel and nVidia logos upon starting the game). I'm also very disappointed by how short the games were too and the ice levels looked average at best so they didn't deserve the low fps I was getting.
Doesn't it only cost about £15 or something though?

Not that I've played more than a couple of minutes worth at uvmain's house on his shoddy low-end PC :)

i paid about £18 but got a tenner off cuz of reward points, dont get me wrong it was a good game but not really any differant from the original really, i like crytek i think they are really pushing pc gaming to new levels, crysis blows other console titles out the water but theres just something about it that leaves me feeling hollow
i paid about £18 but got a tenner off cuz of reward points, dont get me wrong it was a good game but not really any differant from the original really, i like crytek i think they are really pushing pc gaming to new levels, crysis blows other console titles out the water but theres just something about it that leaves me feeling hollow

Yeah, I can see how it feels like a bit of a cash-in. I think it'd be a good one for people that didn't play much/any of the original though (I only played about an hour or two into the original game before getting bored so I do plan on trying out Warhead sometime).

Muwahaha :)

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