The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Got myself a new companion to talk to on the lonely nights out in the waste lands.

Too big, they make the forum sad

WTF you retard at least leave your name on there to show who did it?! How were mine any different to anayone elses. Don't think I'll bother posting any pictures again. You may aswell delete everyone elses pictures while you're at it! Theres a L4D picture there that is bigger then mine?!
WTF you retard at least leave your name on there to show who did it?! How were mine any different to anayone elses. Don't think I'll bother posting any pictures again. You may aswell delete everyone elses pictures while you're at it! Theres a L4D picture there that is bigger then mine?!

OcUK seemingly totally random moderating make me sad:(

Were they 1920x1200?

there are 2560×1600 screenshots on the previous page that haven't been removed.

Too big, they make the forum sad

They make the forum sad ? Since when is there a max res and size limit on this forum, and more specifically this thread? You know this is a high res screenshot thread, why enter it if you don't like large pictures ?

Bring back Zefan, when Zefan and Werewolf were moderating pc games it used to be good :(.
Thats why they didnt leave thier name they are probably scared of a backlash. Besides its imageshack that are hosting the images not the forum?!

Its amazing how such a silly little thing can rile me up :D
WTF you retard at least leave your name on there to show who did it?!

1680X1050 about a meg each. Those others are like twice my res and twice the megs. Yeah don't understand some of the rules myself but I still follow them. Bunch of little hitlers really.

"No swearing, posting of "adult" material, personal attacks or "trolling"
OcUK would like you and your whole family to learn and share via our forums. For this reason swearing and the posting of "adult" or offensive material is forbidden. Simply replacing some of the letters in a swearword with a * or any other character is not acceptable. If you must then please replace the whole word with ***** or other repeated character. We also expect members to behave respectfully and not launch personal or abusive attacks on other members. Those who post for the sole purpose of causing trouble are not welcome here and will be dealt with accordingly."

Actually thats two attacks in two posts, so no you don't follow the rules.
He's on about not breaking the rules with his pics, before he posted those posts he broke no rules...

Anyways, I don't understand, why on earth are 1680x something pictures removed from the last page but other 2560 pictures have been left alone on the same page, not that I want those removed either ? Why are you opposing him anyway, a don has already asked him to apologize, no point in repeating it...

But I agree he shouldn't have started calling dons stuff...
some pics were causing the thread and posts to spaz out and they were removed, if it wasn't the size then it was something else to do with them

Erm, there are still 1920xsomething and 2560xsomething on the last page, I don't see your point, you have done nothing to how the page shows except to remove some good posts that haven't broken any rules of the thread or the forum... And why the sudden change of opinion, there have been no posts removed from the past 46 pages, so why have you removed a few posts from page 47, while you've left others alone from the last page and from the 46 previous pages ?
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"No swearing, posting of "adult" material, personal attacks or "trolling"
OcUK would like you and your whole family to learn and share via our forums. For this reason swearing and the posting of "adult" or offensive material is forbidden. Simply replacing some of the letters in a swearword with a * or any other character is not acceptable. If you must then please replace the whole word with ***** or other repeated character. We also expect members to behave respectfully and not launch personal or abusive attacks on other members. Those who post for the sole purpose of causing trouble are not welcome here and will be dealt with accordingly."

Actually thats two attacks in two posts, so no you don't follow the rules.

Could you please point out which of those I have done please. I spent time making a post getting pictures uploaded using my limited bandwidth which I pay for with hard earned money each month. I do this within a thread where I have uploaded many similar pictures of a similar size along side other members who have done the same. Some as already mentioned are bigger.

I am sorry if you are offended by retard or hitler. But I haven't used any words that require censorship. And yes I do follow the rules. I have simply vented a little bit of anger. Sorry.

To the moderator I am sorry if you are offended by my comments. I feel in this case though your explanation wasn't enough. You could have left my post as it was and simply removed the
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Here's the thing you crazy dudes.
Posts were reported for being from pre-release games and whilst censoring them some other pics were screwing with the layout of the thread and were removed.
I assumed it was because of their size but that now seems to be unlikely and might've been a problem with the host.
It's nothing serious, lighten up:)
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