The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Think I'm going to re-install Red Orchestra, did not play since the release pretty much :)

Me and Markopolo were playing last night, im not sure if thats his forum name, but your welcome to join. It was pretty hard getting teamwork in though as there is no way to locate your friends ingame.

Red Orchestra looks pretty cool, 30 vs 30 sounds good :)

Are there lots of servers Nieldo?

Last night there were a lot, cant say other then that as that was the only time I played for a while.
Sry for not being high res, but anyone know where I need to go from here in DoomII ?


I have gone all the way straight and left and flipped the switch from red to green, I haven't noticed however what the switch did and where to go next...
Suprised how good EVE still looks and plays for a 4+year old game!


Only problem is no AA, forced 16Q on via Nvidia Contol Panel, and makes no difference!
Some more EVE from me, having a whale of a time, was speaking to a bloke from these forums in-game, im Butchat in game ;).


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