The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Replaying TRU at the moment and caught a nice shot...

I have spammed rockstars UK and US support for AA support, but me alone isn't going to do it, more people need to send mails to rockstar demanding AA support.
What the hell is that "Hunter" game, it seems kinda tame. However, some part of me is really itching to play it.

I'm guessing that's the ancient hunter-gatherer man inside me, ugh ugh.

edit; nevermind, spotted the thread. :p
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Can you buy uprising in stores or is it only to download?

I looked around on internet stores but couldn't see it, so got it on EA downloader for £12. I think it also had that 5year downloady thing for £0.00 aswel.

Use the following as a promotional code to get it down to £12:

One thing to note, it's singleplayer only. Was a bit of a surprise but the missions seem to take a long time to do on hard diffuculty. This is probably because I'm crap or something though.
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Red Orchestra

Enemy artillery coming in ontop of our trenches, epic battles on this map. You can see a body flying off to the right. Its a running fight through the forest, Germany defending and Russians attacking. The start is mayhem, two hole teams collide (on this server thats 30 vs 30) making a mad dash for fox holes at the front line. Bullets flying everywhere.

We got pushed back to our trenches, in the screeny im sat in a bunker with my gun rested on the side for steady aim. The russians have to assault us. I was down to one clip of ammo when the game ended, they just appear out of the fog and have to make a mad dash before they hit some good cover, I was just picking them off one by one :). Great game.

The artillery suppresses you so well, screenshot doesnt do it justice.
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