Looks like Bill has had a messy accident. Must be his old age.
Heres some Red Orchestra
Servers are still pretty full at 3pm on a weekday.
Me and Markopolo held up behind a wall, picking off the Russians that are at a farmhouse.
We move up to take a village, I sachel charge a Russian tank

. Sadly one of my team mates tried to do the same, just as mine were exploding, bet that scared the crap out of him. If you look very carefully you can see the puff of red mist as he exploded.
We secured the village and moved up to take some trenches, MG fire is keeping their heads down.
Different map now, trying to advance into the capture zone, I see a Russian pretty close, pop up and try to shoot him but he saw me as well... and he has a PPSH.
I died.
Another different map, this Russian just killed the guy in front of me, he didnt see me though

Last shot, the Russians were trying to take the flak 88's on the right, me and markopolo (prone on my left in a door way) were covering this open area they had to run across. We must have killed 6 or 7 before a tank arrived and suppressed us.