The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Yeah that also impressed me in Far Cry 2. I followed this guy and his injured buddy back to a shack where the injured guy was left on the floor holding a pistol and going HHHNNNNNNG. While the other guy went back to get me - but failed. ;)
Great does Arma 2 play? Buggy like Arma 1?

For a game that tries to do as much as ARMA 2 does, it is surprisingly bug-free.
They are working on patch 1.02 which looks to improve things massively.

I freaking love this game! it shows what you can do on PC when you push it.

Notice the importance of using high resolution textures to achieve that level of visual fidelity.

16 AF, no AA, but fillrate optimisation accomplishes much the same as AA, but at massive fps cost.

I really like their photorealistic approach to graphics, the first game ARMA also did this quite well (I posted two screenshots from Arma above).
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