The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Soya said:
For simmers/fans & eye candy lovers of FSX screenshots (all unedited shots), here are some in their original res. Please enjoy:

My poor bandwidth!

Impressive pics though :)

Is all the terrain in FSX mapped from the real world, or is most of it (aside from things like big cities/airports) made up?
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Any action pics from ArmA2?
They all seem to be just scenery pics so far, which look stunning, but would be nice to see some action pics as if the game is just wandering around looking at the scenery I can go to the south downs to do that :P
how have people managed to get AA and keep shadows on with ARMA2?

I think you'll find that these screenshots (including mine) were done with 3D resolution at 200% i.e. the game is rendered at 4x the resolution and downsampled to the usual screen resolution. This effectively gives 4x supersampling anti-aliasing .... but peformance will obviously plummet.
if that ghostbusters is all maxed out! then that looks really naff!
lol i meen look at them lines! It looks like a rollercoaster.

It has been massively resized so I guess you can't say it is going to to look like that until we've seen the original sizes with no compression.

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