The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Far Cry 2

4.30am sunrise


whats the best way to take out an airfield full of enemies? torch it to the ground of course :p


edit : resolution problems again, its starting in full screen... just at 1600x1024 now instead of 1680x1050 ¬¬
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Generals ZH and Far Cry

Many commanches :

My mate trying to shoot my supply planes from orbit:

Graphics have dated badly, far worse than half life 2 :(. Shame really, increase the draw distance overall and the draw distance for the higher detail models and foliage and it'd look a lot better:



Booby shots:

^^ What settings are you playing that on. Looks like all the model detail settings are on min. My farcry looks far far better then that and I never saw sprite trees that close up. Never so close up that you couldn't tell they weren't 3D models.
Im sorry but there's no way its on max. You can see corruption on half the textures. Suspect a ATI/Nvidia bitmap quality settings it running (on low).
this is on VERY HIGH settings!
Far Cry


Comparing apples with oranges, post a full size srceenshot first because you can't see anything on a 800x500 picture, and you've posted a level which looks substantially nicer.
But from what I can see you suffer from the exact poor draw distance.

Here's the first level for comparison:

Race Driver: GRID




I've seen things about an 'ultra-high' mod about but i can only find in german so i'm not entirely sure i've got hold of the right thing, so i've not installed it yet.
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FSX with YF-23. YF-22 (F-22) won the contract though most people would agree this is a much better looking plane.

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My Current 'Garage' now have a Drake too.. never realised what a fun ship it is!

FacePalm: Brutix: Not really setup atm.. working on making it a Blasterboat for PVE/PVP

OhHai: T2 SniperThron (Again working on Gun skills.. still can't use T2 rails, rest of the setup is T2 though.) used primarily as a CTA op boat for dropping towers.

The Phalic Incident: Thorax Not really in use again.. still trying to decide what I want to do with it..

Boombox.. (Now Boombox Mk II as I lost Mk I last night in a roaming op..) typical T2 Taranis setup for tackling..)

My Drake: Newest addition to my arsenal, using it for ratting primarily atm but it is fully equipped to Tech 2 and is also a fantastic PVP boat when setup right.


My Taranis at Full Whack.


I do whish that this particular ship was mine.. but i'm no where near even capable using it. One of the ATLAS alliances Titans a Leviathan.. fantastic peice of kit and just epic looking I think you'll agree :)
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