The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Max Payne 3 (Arcade mode)
Full seetings




wheres the max payne 3 shots, expected to see some by now. GET TO IT!

Those I've seen have been rather disappointing, with some awful textures [just look at that rug above :eek:] and inadequate, or non functioning AA.

I loved the first two, but will wait on price drops before picking this up.
What's KoA like? I've been looking at it for a while but really not sold on it yet.


Really enjoying it, the combat is more satisfying than Skyrim, worth a punt. :) The quests so far have been pretty interesting. Try a demo if there is one?

The voice acting is a bit pants but that's something that I can ignore.
How about the RPG elements and character building? Also, is it free roam, semi-linear or just level by level?


It's more hack-and-slash than RPG in all honesty. There is story but I've not been sucked in like I have with Morrowind, Skyrim etc. Perhaps "Action-RPG" describes it better.

The character building is Abilities based (stuff like Stealth, Detect Hidden, Persuade etc) and skill tree point-allocation. You can pick from 3 skill types: Might (Warrior skills), Finesse (Rogue type skills), Sorcery (Mage skills) or any mix of the three. Eg: if you want to play a mage that can do stealth kills and the like, you can. There are fateweavers in the game so if you think you've done it wrong, you can pay to re-spec. I can see that there is some replay value at least for me as I'm just going pure mage for the moment. I'll probably play through again with a lunatic hammer-wielding meathead.

Watch a few youtube vids and perhaps play a demo. :) If you do buy it, make sure you use the WideScreen Fixer because the default FOV is really nasty.
Reminds me of Champions of Norrath, thats about the only other aRPG I've played, besides Diablo, but thats entirely different :P

I'll check Steam soon to see if there is a demo, quite excited actually :P
Reminds me of Champions of Norrath, thats about the only other aRPG I've played, besides Diablo, but thats entirely different :P

I'll check Steam soon to see if there is a demo, quite excited actually :P

The combat is along the lines of Dungeon Siege 3 in that it's fast and you need to get out of the way at the right time when the bigger mobs are striking at you. Witcher 2 was like that a bit as well in places. I prefer it in all honesty, much more involving, although I'm not slating Skyrim - I spend well over 100 hours on that!
Skyrim HD Ultra w/ ENB

Speaking of Skyrim, I don't think it is too polite to sit here and have a convorsation in a topic like this :p so I'll post a few screenshots I took whilst recording earlier :P and as for Dungeon Siege III, I hated the negative press that game got, it did what the series was known for, brilliant gameplay with epic lewtz, anyone going into a Dungeon Siege title expecting a MGS level story is clearly a muppet, and not a Kermit kind of muppet :p










Such a great looking game after some serious modding :) I haven't even got any retexture mods except the landscape either :P yet...
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Sorry to sound like a complete noob, but how are people posting high res images:o. I'm using photobucket to host and I can't seem to get larger than this:


Damn, i'm using fraps to take screenshots and it will only let me take BMP images, and cubeupload doesn't support BMP. What software/image hosts or other people using? Or can I convert BMP files into something else?

Edit: Nvm, I think i've figured it out.
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I just used the steam screenshot feature for those, but if your really at a stretch to get screenshots to be high res, open them in photoshop and upscale the size.
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