I mean setting your .ini files for grass and trees, no offence intended but your grass really doesn't go far, and there are no tree's in the distance, open your SkyrimPrefs.ini in your documents and change
fTreeLoadDistance=40000.0000 to fTreeLoadDistance=100000.0000
fGrassStartFadeDistance=7000.0000 to fGrassStartFadeDistance=21000.0000
Might wanna put fShadowBiasScale=0.2500 to fShadowBiasScale=1 if you suffer from chasing ugly lined shadows on the ground (can only tell when in game).
A few more decent ones are
or depending on your rig;
fLODFadeOutMultObjects=25.0000 (stretch to 35 too, if you have a very powerful rig)
The bottom two shouldn't effect FPS much, even with Wildlife Skyrim my crappy Bulldozer doesn't drop any FPS going from 15.0000 to 35.0000 on items AND actors, and enhances gameplay tenfold, having all of the above set completely removes popin and costs next to no fps. My rig is pretty bad with a FX-4100 @3.62Ghz/ 6850 1G and I only dropped from about 70fps outdoors to 55-60. I don't use an ENB though, but I'm sure you have a better rig than me so the fps hit will probably be unnoticeable for you.
Also, open your Skyrim.ini and under [Grass] add iMinGrassSize=80 at the bottom, it gives the maximum amount of grass per square inch (creates new grass patches, doesn't just make each grass piece bigger like lush grass, so they work alongside eachother) and again gives little to no fps hit on my machine.
Hope that helps.