The High-Res Screenshot Thread!







Ye gods that Skyrim looks pretty stunning.

Are you only running that Dr Salvador ENB? (Not familiar with these yet, I may do a whole re-setup of mods for my Skyrim. Then laugh as my graphics card wheeses and pants... )
Ye gods that Skyrim looks pretty stunning.

Are you only running that Dr Salvador ENB? (Not familiar with these yet, I may do a whole re-setup of mods for my Skyrim. Then laugh as my graphics card wheeses and pants... )

Too many others to list out individually but Ill add my wrye bash mod list (bit overwhelming, sorry). Ignore the ones in red and instead of the 'Texture combiner' I recommend Skyrim HD2k and Serious HD.

Those shots look amazing proto, the only thing left to do is fiddle with your .ini to make the distant land look good and this'd be perfect!

Yeah I'm currently trying out an LOD mod called 'Skyrim distance overhaul', other than that I'm not that fond of Ugrid changes, can look good for screenshots but causes all sorts of issue with save games and of course the game engine's already overloaded enough.
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Yeah I'm currently trying out an LOD mod called 'Skyrim distance overhaul', other than that I'm not that fond of Ugrid changes, can look good for screenshots but causes all sorts of issue with save games and of course the game engine's already overloaded enough.

I mean setting your .ini files for grass and trees, no offence intended but your grass really doesn't go far, and there are no tree's in the distance, open your SkyrimPrefs.ini in your documents and change

fTreeLoadDistance=40000.0000 to fTreeLoadDistance=100000.0000


fGrassStartFadeDistance=7000.0000 to fGrassStartFadeDistance=21000.0000

Might wanna put fShadowBiasScale=0.2500 to fShadowBiasScale=1 if you suffer from chasing ugly lined shadows on the ground (can only tell when in game).

A few more decent ones are




or depending on your rig;

fLODFadeOutMultObjects=25.0000 (stretch to 35 too, if you have a very powerful rig)

The bottom two shouldn't effect FPS much, even with Wildlife Skyrim my crappy Bulldozer doesn't drop any FPS going from 15.0000 to 35.0000 on items AND actors, and enhances gameplay tenfold, having all of the above set completely removes popin and costs next to no fps. My rig is pretty bad with a FX-4100 @3.62Ghz/ 6850 1G and I only dropped from about 70fps outdoors to 55-60. I don't use an ENB though, but I'm sure you have a better rig than me so the fps hit will probably be unnoticeable for you.

Also, open your Skyrim.ini and under [Grass] add iMinGrassSize=80 at the bottom, it gives the maximum amount of grass per square inch (creates new grass patches, doesn't just make each grass piece bigger like lush grass, so they work alongside eachother) and again gives little to no fps hit on my machine.

Hope that helps. :)
I mean setting your .ini files for grass and trees, no offence intended but your grass really doesn't go far, and there are no tree's in the distance, open your SkyrimPrefs.ini in your documents and change

fTreeLoadDistance=40000.0000 to fTreeLoadDistance=100000.0000


fGrassStartFadeDistance=7000.0000 to fGrassStartFadeDistance=21000.0000

Might wanna put fShadowBiasScale=0.2500 to fShadowBiasScale=1 if you suffer from chasing ugly lined shadows on the ground (can only tell when in game).

A few more decent ones are




or depending on your rig;

fLODFadeOutMultObjects=25.0000 (stretch to 35 too, if you have a very powerful rig)

The bottom two shouldn't effect FPS much, even with Wildlife Skyrim my crappy Bulldozer doesn't drop any FPS going from 15.0000 to 35.0000 on items AND actors, and enhances gameplay tenfold, having all of the above set completely removes popin and costs next to no fps. My rig is pretty bad with a FX-4100 @3.62Ghz/ 6850 1G and I only dropped from about 70fps outdoors to 55-60. I don't use an ENB though, but I'm sure you have a better rig than me so the fps hit will probably be unnoticeable for you.

Also, open your Skyrim.ini and under [Grass] add iMinGrassSize=80 at the bottom, it gives the maximum amount of grass per square inch (creates new grass patches, doesn't just make each grass piece bigger like lush grass, so they work alongside eachother) and again gives little to no fps hit on my machine.

Hope that helps. :)


I am using glorious grass along with lush grass, not noticeable in those shots. Regarding INI changes, well after years of modding oblivion I figured out that most ini changes simply increased instability and brought very little improvement. In the end I chose to only use specific mods like raevwd instead.

I thought I'd give skyrim another chance as it was supposed to improve on the old gamebyro engine and tried a lot of distance enhancement edits like those here:

The end result was pretty much the same with instability and little improvement. I now tend to stick to very basic INI edits like FOV/ enable extra shadows/ reflections or some specific and necessary fixes like

iBlurDeferredShadowMask=6 - in skyrimprefs.ini
fSunShadowUpdateTime=.25 - in skyrim.ini
fSunUpdateThreshold=1.5 - in skyrim.ini

I don't mind using specific mods for improving distant objects though, I mentioned a mod that does this in my last post.

Nonetheless, thanks for the tips will try some of these :)


Taikodom: Living Universe looks great!
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