The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

I just don't like playing the game(Skyrim) with an ENB on tbh. I just stick with COT and an injector. Can't stand all that DOF for a start!

Screenshots look great of course, but ingame I am not a fan.

I absolutely love it in game. It adds so much atmosphere. :)
Splinter Cell: Conviction

No I run with high settings but have post processing disabled as it did used to cause problems with glitches, actually forgot it was off until now just checking. Here's what it looks like on and off:



~10fps hit though but still smooth enough for play.
No I run with high settings but have post processing disabled as it did used to cause problems with glitches, actually forgot it was off until now just checking. Here's what it looks like on and off:



~10fps hit though but still smooth enough for play.

What are your computer specifications and what sort of frame rate do you get at those settings? I just thought I'd share my settings to give you some food for thought.

Postprocess: Very Low

Postprocess: Normal

I usually play with postprocess effects at very low, since having it disabled removes some environmental effects (unsure if this have changed in recent updates). If I were you I'd lower your view distance to around 3200 - 6400 depending on how you play/what you prefer to sacrifice and up your anti-aliasing a little if you have enough headroom. I'm about to conduct some tests again for the video memory setting, last time I did 'default' seemed to be a little better, however that was around patch 1.59.

If you're wondering about performance, this was single player with myself as the only unit on the map. My lowest FPS was 48. Hopefully this will improve if I can manage to utilise more of my video memory. I'll share my results in the ARMA 2 thread. In most situations 24/25 FPS and above is playable.

This is just my opinion and I'm just giving some friendly advice, because to me the game looks very ugly in your screenshots. :)
God dammit Proto, add me on Steam now! :D I need some info on your setup man, bar the ENB I want everything! :p

Beautiful shadows man, mine are so weird and pixelated, even after setting it to read-only to stop the retarded game changing my shadows every time, all resolutions are 2046 with mask at 7 and bias at 1.
Depends purely on the server I join, some servers result in epic FPS drops in the 20s while most are in the 50s+

A good server I will see up to 90-100fps top average indoors and outdoors. Settings as posted earlier^^. Spec is a GTX570 SSC, 2500K 4.3GHz and 16GB of RAM. I took a look at the system widgets while the game was running and DayZ uses 333MB of VRAM and only a bit more of system RAM but puts 1.1GB in virtual memory.

More DayZ! Screenshots tell half the story with this game, looks amazing in motion when you're on a non laggy server.

The rainbow appeared after it stopped raining, that's a nice touch!


Got bloom?




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