Space Engine siteSpaceEngine - is a free space simulation software that lets you explore the universe in three dimensions, starting from planet Earth to the most distant galaxies. Areas of the known universe are represented using actual astronomical data, while regions uncharted by human astronomy are generated procedurally. Millions of galaxies, trillions of stars, countless planets!
Them PS2 shots real? The game sure dont look like that when I have played it? lol
I'm not sure what I think of those far cry shots, it looks alright in some but others look quite poor.
Show me an image host that wont compress a 2560x1440 image into a really poor quality grainy jpeg?downsized
said this before whats the point of high res screenshots then people downsizing to give better appearance . kinda ruins the whole point . also some in here even tweak with ps lol
farcry looks terrible.
also more prject cars in playback mode haha
Ok even youtube compressed videos look better than the crappy jpeg compression the image sites forceI'll try and upload a video on youtube in 2560x1440 res and see if the compression on their kills the picture quality or not so you can see almost how the game should be looking
they look ordinary because of the stupid amount of compression added.i understand what you saying but you downsized the pic from 2500 to 1280x720 thats why your others look nice and the full size look ordinary