Sorry for going OT, but i noticed people debating Mass Effects performance.
I've got a naughty version, yes i know it's wrong but i just can't wait till Friday when it comes out, i have a copy on preorder and will still be paying for it as i've barely scratched the surface of the game, it's fantastic and i love Bioware RPGs.
Now, Mass Effect looks great, very stylized however it suffers from the same 'stutter' that gears of war for the PC does. While in Gears it just broke the game what with being a 3rd person shooter, it has much less of a detriment on Mass Effects gameplay.
It's fantastic despite this one niggle, buy it.
(I'm running it on a 2.80ghz opteron 175, 4 gigs of ram and a 8800GT, at max settings i get anywhere between 30 and 60 FPS depending on the location.)
If this post is far too off topic/too much detail about a illegal copy mods please delete it.