The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Some Lego Indy screenies :)




As expected, game runs at 1920 X 1200 with everything maxed. If you liked Lego Star Wars, there is no reason you wont like this. Quite a bit more interaction with things aroud you as well. Third level introduces you to vehicles. I was driving a big truck, whilst the missus was wizzing around on a motor bike. :D

Won`t be everyones cup of tea, but its good, harmless fun. And a budget price tag to boot.

Securom seems to be causing a couple of issues though. It refused to install from my LG DVD Writer (Newish model), but installed fine from my aging Sony DVD rom. Once installed, the game hangs to black screen when run, but if you alt-tab out then go back in, its fine. Too early for these to be widespread and nothing on the forums as yet.

Some people complaining the the Logitech Cordless Rumblepad does not work. Rubbish. It works fine. As does the 360, and also the PS2 pad with adaptor. All tested by me. :)
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What happens when you design one faulty station somewhere in the middle of nowhere, both mainlines leading south west are jammed, resulting in at least 5 total rails jammed for miles...





Edit trees are made invisible if anyone's wondering, I hate trees blocking my view & got tired of demolishing them they regrow too fast :(.
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Get AA monkey!

Sorry was playing around with settings trying to improve the shadows. I had 4x aa set to enhance programme settings. Will set it to over ride now. I had it at 16Q but it was a slide show. Great looking game sept for some of the costumes have very poor textures and the shadows are all pixelated.
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