***The High-Res Screenshot Thread!***

3440x1440 res its the LG ultrawide model just got it yesterday. Fps went from about 40 in skyrim to about 20-25 lol. That's only in single card mode though I cant get crossfire to work with the ENB properly still.
Havent checked the mem usage yet though.
Skyrim looks glorious in 21:9 I just wish I could get crossfire to work properly in it.

Very nice moniter,am on 2560-1440 and holding 50-60 fps with realvision enb performance preset my ram and vram usage is mental,getting a sort of a stutter when panning left to right.

** Image size rule is max. 1920 x 1080. If larger then link to it, or use spoiler tags **

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You no looking at that LG 3440x1440 res make me think I would be better of cancelling my 4K order and going wide screen.
Yeah I don't think I could go back to 16:9 after using this screen. It just feels so much more immersive having a wider field of view. Its kinda like having two monitors side by side and no bezel. Plus its not as taxing as 4k but still looks stunning.
Yeah I don't think I could go back to 16:9 after using this screen. It just feels so much more immersive having a wider field of view. Its kinda like having two monitors side by side and no bezel. Plus its not as taxing as 4k but still looks stunning.

Also a IPS screen from the looks of the pic`s any compatibilities problems with other games at that res.
Im trying to think... Most games iv played so far have scaled perfectly.
I think mass effect 2 had an issue as half the UI was off the screen but apart from that everything iv tried so far has worked perfect on that res.
Yeah its an IPS screen and calibrated perfectly too so the colours are very accurate.
DCS A-10C and DCS Huey (great way to relax in the evening:)) And no it is not too hard- there are about 10 interactive tutorials that include pretty much all you need, I've learnt A-10C in about 3-4 evenings, Huey- in about an hour. Those pilots are not PhDs in quantum physics, not by a long stretch ;)

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Great stuff Borsch, when I move next week I will load up my DCS AC-10, I have been waiting over a year to try it out. Can you link me to the first of those 10 tutorials?

How does the Huey compare to the KA-50? I will probably only get 1 helicopter DLC but I sm not sure which one.
The tutorials are all ingame, under training tab in the options :) THey are fully interactive - there is instructor voice/subtitles and needed controls are highlighted for you to press.

THe way not to get overwhelmed is to think about (eg) aircraft start up in logical way - turn on electrics, fuel pumps, then fire up the little engine that will spool up the main jet engins (Auxilary Power unit- APU), then the engines themselves. Aircarft were made in an ergonomic way so all elctic controls will be on one panel, all fuel ones, on another, radios on the 3rd. Once you have this mental map in your head of how these logical bricks stack up, it will be natural and dead easy:)

I'd say get A-10C for the serious "god of war" fun (thermal imaging, IR pointers, night vision, laser and GPS guided bombs from great hight, low attacks with mavericks from distance or close and personal with GAU8 canon, radar and missile launch warning systems- seriously, what a nice toy A-10C is!) and the Huey for the lighthearted muck about- landing on roofs, ridiculously low flying, carrying sling loads etc :)

Using FLIR to spot low flying Ka-50 from 15000ft - only in DCS A-10C:

** Any image wider than 1920 pixels should be linked or put in spoiler tags **


http://www.ksotov.co.uk/photos/eagle/Screen_130228_165517.jpg Sorry didnt realize that pic sizes restrictions applied to the high res picture thread ;)
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Here's a nice 8k from the Elite Dangerous beta, I've got more but I need to convert them to jpg. They get saved as 100mb+ .bmp! :eek:

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I agree, Matson's Skyrim puts my modding into perspective too :D Are they 4k because those Battlefield screens in particular look really high res.

Not 4k but close. 3440x1440. It's the LG 34um95.

I went a bit nuts with bf though and put resolution scale at 200 as well lol.
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