The " Hiper-Active " Club

I have had the 480w Type R (reddish pink since years ago I think it was 2005, it was first in a PC133 system), I replaced that with the 580w Type R Modular a year or so later (2006/07 I think, blue and more manly as I had moved to DDR and AGP), the 480w went into my second PC, both these power supplies were used daily over their five to four years service and are still working today.
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Sign me up please! I've had a 580w Type R running a dual 8800SLI rig daily for well over three years now.
No explosions to report, although sadly it has started making a rather dodgy grating noise recently...
i still have mine :) been running it from early 2007 and its still going strong :)

just noticed this thread or i would have posted earlier :)
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I built a PC for my dad back in 2004 with a Hiper 480W Type R. It's had a couple of upgrades/rebuilds, but never the PSU - it's still going strong! Admittedly the machine doesn't get stressed much - just office work, but it's still got to be one of the longest-going Typer R's!!

Do I get signed up? :)
October 2005 here 480W Type R, daily use.. Getting issues with my pc stuttering now so not sure if its failing or not but I'm getting a Corsair 600w GS tomorrow. If it doesnt fix the issues it means that my hiper is still going strong! If im honest I dont think its the PSU, but best to upgrade before it fries anything. 6 years is great service and I'll keep it as spare for sure.
A bit of a necro this.

This summer I threw my still working 480w Hiper in the skip, simply due to the Molex connectors just being a pain and not liking adapters. Replaced with a VS350 that I got for £18 in a sale.

My old Hyper 580w Type R is still working away daily within my sisters PC, powering an old Intel LGA 775 dual core with 4gb of memory and an old HIS 3850 AGP graphics card and a 640gb samsung HDD.

Should try and get it back off her and give it a test or something.
Had a few Hiper psu's in the past. None are left working but none resulted in a nuclear blast and taking out other surrounding equipment. I had a Tagan unit few years back that went with a puff of smoke but again nothing went with it.
Got a 530W Type R in an ancient Skt A build. Got a 530W Type M in my old PC. No trouble with either of mine, but my dad's type M had crazy voltage regulation issues so when I rebuilt his system I refused to re-use it!
I posted before in this thread back in 2008. I had 2 hiper type-r 580 that both failed eventually. The first one had a silent death after about 3 years, had it replaced free just inside the cover period. The second one that hiper gave me, called a reconditioned unit, lasted me another 3-4 years before failing because of the atx connector and socket on asus p5n-d mobo partly frying, not sure what the exact cause was (still got photos) but I dumped the psu and mobo, all other components were fine. I didn't fancy replacing the connector and chancing using it again.

I got an xfx core 650w in 2012 and been happy since :D
SOmeones pointed me to this thread.

I got a Hiper 580w modular PSU and it's still going strong! I've had it over 7 tears and i bought it 2nd hand.
Love these kinds of threads.. though Kelt.. you're running a Rajintek Triton.. judging by the threads on here that's a good way to guarantee tears!
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