It's fairly clear a lot of papers have been out to destroy the BBC for years. Read the Daily Mail and every other day there is something about how woke it is, how it needs to be disbanded, how it's a remainer plot. The Sun is as bad if not worse and clearly has taken this opportuntity to go to another level. They don't care about who they hurt, or what they write - they are in a fight for survival. Paper subscriptions and numbers are falling through the floor so they are becoming even more nasty and extreme. It's a sign of the times, and just continues the Murdoch, Trump, Boris, Brexit, Fox news, GB news merrygo round. Something has to change with standards in modern life, but it seems there are still enough people obsessed with hearing about celebreties private lives, made up nonsense and hanging on every word of charlatans that it won't happen any time soon.
We have no idea at this point if there is any truth to any of it. All we know is the Police have said nothing illegal happened. Whether something some consider immoral or against BBC employee contracts / expectations happened... well that's for the BBC to find out, just like any employer would.
One thing is for sure, papers and certain press don't believe in innocent until proven guilty, but then half the public these days don't seem to either.
Lets destroy someone's life based on one newspapers rantings. Utterly depressing.