If you do workouts in Zwift select the Alpe or hilly courses and that will help you towards the Tron as well.
Yeah, but when you consider I started the challenge long before the Alpe was even there...!
Most of my riding previously to 2018 was races and until quite recently they where always generally flat courses, nobody rode hilly courses (there were not even that many race course options!). I hardly ever do free riding or training sessions, so those times when jumping on and I don't have a plan on what to ride I'll see what popular races are on around the same time and jump in one, not many of those are hilly. A few more now and I really enjoy them, but jumping in a hilly 'race' when there's 10 other people is rarely ever enjoyable, so I go for the 'busy' races.
95% of 20 mins to get your 60mins is so old hat and pointless now. FTP is not even defined as being 60mins these days so it's a bit old hat.
Very, very few people could do 95% of their 20mins for 60mins.
Then when you apply it to zwift and have guys that are 5/10min monsters but would die an actual death if they had to ride at thresh for 45 mins it becomes even more silly.
Totally agree, but equally it's a 'known' standard and one of the only few that seems to cross platforms. You don't see Suff's 4oD or whatever it's called anywhere else. I think Technically an FTP score from a test should be the full 60 minutes? It's only recently people (coaches?) have come up with the 20 minute test as a rough and easy way to calculate an approximate 60min FTP without the time/TSS/stress a full 60 minute test takes, so is more repeatable.
Zwift racing categories are a mess, most races aren't on steady inclines and most last far longer than 20mins, so to split purely on W/Kg based on 95% of your best 20mins is farcical.
Yup, but how else do you do it! FTP score was never meant for competition or as a measure between riders.
4 weeks ago I managed only 312w for 20mins and a week later done 300w on the nose for the full hour. 96% of my 20min best for the moment. I'm not so much getting at the % of 20 thing, more so my 20mins is mega watts down on when I was race fit but how one earth my 60min has come on is beyond me.
Really great post buddy. It's the Zwift racing and just the nature of riding/competing on Zwift. We're getting more conditioned to riding at threshold for these race periods which are usually now 45m-60m long.
Before you might be getting more conditioned to your training for 10m TT's at shorter 20-25 minute efforts. The 20min test for you was quite accurate back then. But equally riding outside with all the other factors - weather, corners, junctions, traffic, wind and such, just means you can't sit at an absolute 'wattage is everything' with your full focus on it for as long as you can 'going nowhere' on your bike in the garage/living room. No steering required. No/little balance required. No awareness of outside factors required.
Best Smart Direct Drive trainer around £500 at the moment? Suito/Direto X/Kickr Core Reconditioned? What about the Zumo? (£430ish)
All of the above, but I'd also include a Flux S in there. These day's any of them can have problems, but most manufacturing issues on the long standing are resolved. The newer ones maybe... But not heard much about them, especially the Zumo.
With the (probable) supply/shortage problems Covid-19 is bringing (unsure how effected stocks are right now) you might find brands like Tacx in stock and able to supply, smaller ones less so.
Funny as I did 3 hrs at the weekend and didn’t have the same issue, maybe too much Ant+ going on inside which causes a drop out.
I find some days better than others on Zwift. Always blamed my Wifi to some extent but after other riders also in the same events having similar issues I just wonder how much of it is actually server side. Some day's just seem 'bad', or you get a period of time when it's bad, yet fine before and after.
Side note: Zwift recently only really started taking racing seriously. Until probably 2019 it was something Race organisers and ZP where running on there with very little help/functionality or input from Zwift themselves. Now there's real money and huge promotion opportunities through it they're totally buying in, so time will tell on how they will evolve it. We just have to wait and see. I hope they don't throw out the huge amount of information, history and such from all the work put into it so far, but they do have a habit of thinking a little too far out the box and missing the ball completely, then having to bug/feature things for months afterwards...