The Indoor Riding/ Zwift/ TrainerRoad etc. Thread

Smart bikes quite a lot heavier than trainers though aren't they? I thought the KICKR had some side to side on it? Or is that the Neo?
It's a good point. Google tells me it's 42kg. A DD Trainer is apparently about 22kg, so the weight over the rear, maybe 10kg difference? Then there's the rider at up to 100kg or so, so I wouldn't think the 10kg is a deal breaker?

No lateral movement in the Kickr, just a little as I have it on a thick Wahoo training mat. Maybe the feet have a little give too?
What's your Streak up to? You mean the Strava one after the end ride screen... Or something else? Think mine is from May last year as even when I got knocked off in July I managed to get a ride in the end of the week after. It's always a darn holiday which spoils it!

But talking about actual real streaks... Longest I've heard of amongst my crowd is 850 days of Zwift. Cedric did get up to around 2500 days, but that was outdoors+indoors. Consecutive days of riding. Insane. But he was some semi-pro who rode lots of local Belgian races and training rides with lots of very good riders... Continued that from a young age even though now works in IT. Then he ended up part-injured/lost love with cycling/fell in love with a girl/recovered and now just returned to riding start of 2025 and is back to doing 500km weeks putting the rest of us to shame! :eek: :cry:
Not the Strava one, i dont have Strava, the Zwift one, it comes up after your first ride of each week, i am up to week 51 so far and counting without missing a ride, sure its not riding every day for a true streak but its making sure i get on the bike at the very least once per week around my other exercise.
Think you need a power/cadence/speed source connected these days. You have to 'pedal within X' to actually join the ride?

Nope, you can skip pairing.

Join a robo pacer ride, you're dragged along as in coffee break for ~1min, you then start accumilating distance towards your 2Km for the week. If you're lucky/smart, you might get the 2Km in one attempt by timing the freeride moment on a long downhill like reverse/forward Petit KOM, otherwise click the icon to either rejoin the same robo pcaer or pick another one on the same world. Don't forget to activate coffee break in first ~3mins of freeride to get ~0.5 mile on the flat.

Another little trick is to click the u-turn icon if slowing on an uphill incline before your avatar drops below ~21Kph. ;)

You can start this process by joining a group ride or group workout, but just make sure the world they are on has robo pacers that day, so you can quit the community event (having gained a tiny bit of shop drops) and then finish the quest for a 2Km session via the robo pacers.
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For a change yesterday, I joined the 6pm ZRacing session on Zwift rather than a pre-breakfast time slot. The morning races are usually a small field of around 20. Last night there were 81 finishers.

Hells bells - it's way tougher in a big field. Going for a run in the morning might not have helped but I was scraping the barrel not to get dropped out the front group on the second lap (Outer Scotland). Just over 32 minutes of racing and I averaged 275 watts. More like a FTP test session but without the mental preparation to suffer like a dog!
Welcome to competitive Zwifting! :cry:;)

Actually thought I'd caused myself a medical issue on Tuesday... Went so deep on ZRL and eating too close to the start I ended up with some kinda 'sickness bug' afterwards. There's been one doing the rounds here so put it as bringing that on, but strangely after visiting the throne 5-6 times in under 3 hours afterwards and feeling like I wanted to 'call the moose' (but didn't). Went to bed and slept it off!? Been fine since - other people with the bug taking 2-3 days to be back to normal... Close call, or exercise induced diarrhea!? :o

Anyway, best 5 min power of the season while feeling utterly rubbish... 4.5w/kg!
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I have long contemplated a rocker plate. I don’t think the Neo bike would fit on one as they all seem to narrow sharply at the front.
I have long contemplated a rocker plate. I don’t think the Neo bike would fit on one as they all seem to narrow sharply at the front.

I think DIY is the way forward with a rocker plate. Especially not that a lot are being designed with a central rod in bearings to allow forward/backward movement as well as side to side as per previous diy efforts with tennis balls on a central pivot.
Do they massage as well as compression/ice? Quite a few of the endurance riders I know use the 'RecoveryAir' ones. Can see lots of Pulsio ones on all the usual influencer channels too.

Couple of older riders I know who do lots of endurance have 'knee massage' things. They also heat your knees. Not that I have knee problems but the few times my knees ache they always feel cold have considered them... You can use them pre-ride for a warm up but also post-ride for recovery...

These are cheap ones which just compress as wanted to see if I’d use them long term before committing to anything more expensive.

So far so good. It’s nice knowing it gives some recovery whilst just sat on a sofa. Have noticed it more, especially with late indoor sessions and not feeling as bad the next day.
Ditched the zwift cog and gone and pulled my 11spd cassette off the wheel and on the trainer. Will allow me to properly use my whoosh etc. Cog is cool and all but using anything other than zwift means you’re completely stuffed unless you’re in egr mode and follow a workout. Freeride for example on my whoosh is not doable
Ditched the zwift cog and gone and pulled my 11spd cassette off the wheel and on the trainer. Will allow me to properly use my whoosh etc. Cog is cool and all but using anything other than zwift means you’re completely stuffed unless you’re in egr mode and follow a workout. Freeride for example on my whoosh is not doable

Sure I saw something that Rouvy had worked out a way for it to work.
Sure I saw something that Rouvy had worked out a way for it to work.
Yup they have reverse engineered it. But it’s simply easier for me to just turn it off / on zwift and still have the option to use other apps with just normal “cassette” mode.

Don’t get me wrong. Cog is good, especially if you’re using zwift only.
Yup they have reverse engineered it. But it’s simply easier for me to just turn it off / on zwift and still have the option to use other apps with just normal “cassette” mode.

Don’t get me wrong. Cog is good, especially if you’re using zwift only.

Yeah definitely makes sense. Being limited to Zwift was the one thing which put me off the Zwift Ride.

Annoyingly MyWhoosh never installed on my laptop. Even the lite version failed to install and i don't think it's due to specs as it's my old work laptop with an I7. Currently using IndieVelo but will have to re-think when it stops being free!
Yeah definitely makes sense. Being limited to Zwift was the one thing which put me off the Zwift Ride.

Annoyingly MyWhoosh never installed on my laptop. Even the lite version failed to install and i don't think it's due to specs as it's my old work laptop with an I7. Currently using IndieVelo but will have to re-think when it stops being free!
yeah, the reason I have it is because I got the wahoo kickr + zwift 1 year sub deal last year so it came as a package, including play controllers which imo are awful too. Only good for giving ride ons but they're so clunky and get in the way when it comes to comfort that I pulled them off and not used them since.
Really struggling to get any meaningful training done just now since my chemo started.
Any exertion sends the heart rate sky high, 195 isn't great for a 61 year old :rolleyes:
Really struggling to get any meaningful training done just now since my chemo started.
Any exertion sends the heart rate sky high, 195 isn't great for a 61 year old :rolleyes:
Over the last ~2.5 years of long covid, I've had to accept that some days are a real struggle to do any exercise.

Yesterday, I felt relatively good, but tonight it was a slog to do one lap of 6-Train at ~80W in 23mins to get me over 5 hours for the week.
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I'd say 195 was amazing for a 61 year old. I'm 47 and cap out at about that.
At least you are doing something, which is positive. Not sure if you are aware but you can create custom workouts in Zwift, they are really simple to do. Maybe you could try one that has you working in zones 1 and 2 for now?
I'd say 195 was amazing for a 61 year old. I'm 47 and cap out at about that.
At least you are doing something, which is positive. Not sure if you are aware but you can create custom workouts in Zwift, they are really simple to do. Maybe you could try one that has you working in zones 1 and 2 for now?
Might be amazing but not in a good way :cry:

What you're suggesting is pretty much what I'm doing, although I'm picking low effort group rides, less than 2W/kg. Even that is hitting 150/160 which is way higher than it should be
It's tough but i think i'd just try and focus on the positives of the fact many people probably wouldn't even be doing anything, so the fact you're getting on the bike is incredible.
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I've just bought the Wahoo Core Kickr and Zwift Click/Cog. Its my first time using an indoor trainer and loving it after a 16 mile ride along Lake Garda last night in Rouvy.

I do have a road bike but I wouldn't call myself a cycle, I'm more of a runner, but failed to get the bike out at all last year. Having just spent the guts of £450 I think I'll be riding more, a the turbo trainer seems much more convenient.
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