The Indoor Riding/ Zwift/ TrainerRoad etc. Thread

Zwift + TrainerRoad integration launched today, looking forward to seeing how well they integrate later in the week.

Just had a test, loaded a workout into today, showed up in the 'For You' bit in Zwift. You can even pick any route from any map it seems to ride on too. Hopefully that tidys up a bit of multiple workouts being loaded into TP or Garmin, from different sources.
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OK dilema time, im going on holiday in August, for 10 days! im not going to be able to maintain my zwift streak! need to try and find somewhere in Morocco i can go to fit in a session!!!!
OK dilema time, im going on holiday in August, for 10 days! im not going to be able to maintain my zwift streak! need to try and find somewhere in Morocco i can go to fit in a session!!!!

Haha break the streak before hand and therefore it's not an issue!

Depending on the hotel (if in a hotel) you might have a gym with a bike which can sync to Zwift
OK dilema time, im going on holiday in August, for 10 days! im not going to be able to maintain my zwift streak! need to try and find somewhere in Morocco i can go to fit in a session!!!!
You can launch Zwift on your mobile, not pair anything and surf between robo pacers to get 2Km. Streak run saved! ;)
You can launch Zwift on your mobile, not pair anything and surf between robo pacers to get 2Km. Streak run saved! ;)
I will of course be putting in a stint on a bike and can track on my garmin just not sure zwift would register it if i manually load the file. However this would save the streak at least!
Very annoying. I record my indoor rides through my Garmin which uploads to Strava as a "Ride". Even though the tag says "Indoor Ride". Because it loads as just a regular "Ride" it attributes my normal bike to the activity instead of my Kickr. It also seems there's no way to change it from a Ride to a Virtual Ride. So no way to differentiate it. I've just gone through updating the Gear for each of the rides so far this year but it's a bit annoying.

Pretty much means i have to manually remember to update each time!

(I've ended up using IndieVelo for now as it's free and gives me what i want which doesn't integrate to Garmin so i have to track it via the Garmin for it to show in my Garmin connect app)
Anyone got a rocker plate? Thinking about getting the Realplate React from TurboRocks which costs £499. Im having constant issues with saddle sores even though I got a bike fit.
Anyone got a rocker plate? Thinking about getting the Realplate React from TurboRocks which costs £499. Im having constant issues with saddle sores even though I got a bike fit.

I’ve considered making one as they seem fairly simple.

By all accounts they’re worth having I think.
If I had space for one I'd consider it. As it stands I literally have zero space between my head and the ceiling of the roof in the shed when I am sat upright!
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Anyone got a rocker plate? Thinking about getting the Realplate React from TurboRocks which costs £499. Im having constant issues with saddle sores even though I got a bike fit.
3d printed some tennis ball rockers and they've added a good amount of side-to-side movement which has helped in my case. You can buy them online for £35ish from what I've seen or see if any of your mates have a 3d printer and can print it in pla/petg, took around 8hrs of printing if I remember right.
Anyone got a rocker plate? Thinking about getting the Realplate React from TurboRocks which costs £499. Im having constant issues with saddle sores even though I got a bike fit.
Wow, did we both see something that spurred this thought? Yesterday I was looking though eBay listings at rocker plates, wondering if I should splash out. Tbh, I don't know I want the bike moving as much as I see happening on some of them.
3d printed some tennis ball rockers
I can only see options for Direct Drive trainers. have you seen any that would fit a Kickr Bike?
Wow, did we both see something that spurred this thought? Yesterday I was looking though eBay listings at rocker plates, wondering if I should splash out. Tbh, I don't know I want the bike moving as much as I see happening on some of them.

I can only see options for Direct Drive trainers. have you seen any that would fit a Kickr Bike?
no, not seen any for kicker bikes sadly.

I can't see it being difficult to design but maybe there's no demand.

the rocker plates are ridicilous imo, £500 for a bit of wood and some rubber balls is mad. I have seen a few for sale on facebook for 150 or so, may be worth a look.
For a change yesterday, I joined the 6pm ZRacing session on Zwift rather than a pre-breakfast time slot. The morning races are usually a small field of around 20. Last night there were 81 finishers.

Hells bells - it's way tougher in a big field. Going for a run in the morning might not have helped but I was scraping the barrel not to get dropped out the front group on the second lap (Outer Scotland). Just over 32 minutes of racing and I averaged 275 watts. More like a FTP test session but without the mental preparation to suffer like a dog!
I was just having a post ride shower and had a thought about AdZ. In theory, it kind of gets easier as you get better. If you do it in 1hr30 then you aren't putting it as hard work for that time as someone doing it in 45 minutes but you are putting out a very hard effort for 1hr30. The guy doing it in 45 minutes will be working harder for those 45 minutes but he only has to suffer for a short while.

What i'm trying to say is that I am working harder than the really fit guys essentially. :p
Obviously! But yeah quite interesting... If you're aiming for ADZ PR's then targetting 1 hour power is probably not the way to go... Target 40min and then go all in on a good day to hold it for another 10 minutes! ;)

Yep. Wrong link. These are mine

Still not close to sausage.
Do they massage as well as compression/ice? Quite a few of the endurance riders I know use the 'RecoveryAir' ones. Can see lots of Pulsio ones on all the usual influencer channels too.

Couple of older riders I know who do lots of endurance have 'knee massage' things. They also heat your knees. Not that I have knee problems but the few times my knees ache they always feel cold have considered them... You can use them pre-ride for a warm up but also post-ride for recovery...

OK dilema time, im going on holiday in August, for 10 days! im not going to be able to maintain my zwift streak! need to try and find somewhere in Morocco i can go to fit in a session!!!!
What's your Streak up to? You mean the Strava one after the end ride screen... Or something else? Think mine is from May last year as even when I got knocked off in July I managed to get a ride in the end of the week after. It's always a darn holiday which spoils it!

But talking about actual real streaks... Longest I've heard of amongst my crowd is 850 days of Zwift. Cedric did get up to around 2500 days, but that was outdoors+indoors. Consecutive days of riding. Insane. But he was some semi-pro who rode lots of local Belgian races and training rides with lots of very good riders... Continued that from a young age even though now works in IT. Then he ended up part-injured/lost love with cycling/fell in love with a girl/recovered and now just returned to riding start of 2025 and is back to doing 500km weeks putting the rest of us to shame! :eek: :cry:

Don't think I've done much over 2 weeks of consecutive, even with my commuting 5 days a week!

You can launch Zwift on your mobile, not pair anything and surf between robo pacers to get 2Km. Streak run saved! ;)
Think you need a power/cadence/speed source connected these days. You have to 'pedal within X' to actually join the ride?

I can only see options for Direct Drive trainers. have you seen any that would fit a Kickr Bike?
Smart bikes quite a lot heavier than trainers though aren't they? I thought the KICKR had some side to side on it? Or is that the Neo?
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