***The iOS 5 Thread***

It really has come on leaps and bounds since the the first beta. I am genuinely excitied for when the final version lands as it is a massive improvement over iOS4
Yup had an email last night about this, if my team could ensure they update and let me know if there's any problems with the app I'd be most appreciative ;)
Can anyone confirm that location based reminders are featuring in Beta 5/6/7 it was working in 4 but can only set it based on date/time nothing about location.

This is on an iPad2.

anyone know the official date of release ?

Probably just after (maybe a week..) the Apple expo thingy some time this month, the 7th I believe, so the beta which is out right now will be the final beta I reckon before that.

So I reckon, mid September. Just in time really, I got my spangley new iPad 2 on Monday. :)
Its wiped out my playlists , as in when you play them it just skips through them all and doesn't play.

Will have to resync it later no biggie.
Doesn't give the option for adding a location to the reminder on my iPad 2 (WiFi + 3G).

Anyone having issues using WiFi sync?

Yes I turned mine off in Beta 6 that was the thing that was killing my battery. Not tried it with 7 yet though .

It has to bet said iOS 5 is far far smoother and battery life is better as well then IOS4 :D
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I just noticed that when playing music and quickly pressing the on/off button on the headphones it now skips a track. Did it always do this (previous to iOS5)? I thought it just paused the song until pressed again which it still does if the time between presses is delayed.
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