** The iOS10 thread **

18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
So looks like 10.3 update has well and truly messed up my iphone6s. Update went well from what I could see, although took its time updating. Anyhow it rebooted and everything looked pretty good until I saw a big red exclamation mark next to my messages folder. So I went into my settings and tried to go into the messages but it just hung there for god knows how long till I closed the settings app down. Not only that I cant make any calls or receive any calls either, my gmail app doesn't work ie hangs and same with my whatsapp as well.
Basically my phone is a brick at the moment, ive tried connecting it to my laptop to do an iTunes back up and then erase the phone completely. But what do you know, I cant even sign into iTunes due to it wanting to send a verification code to the phone...which it cant because I cant receive any texts or calls.

So im now looking at a very expensive paperweight because quite simply I cannot use this phone...any ideas before I smash this phone to pieces. I swear every time I go to update my iphone with a software update, it screws it up but i just reboot it and all is well. Sadly not this time, im at the end of my tether now.

Anyone with any ideas on how to fix my phone??
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Meh still no luck with my iphone so managed to get it backed up through iTunes after a few hrs of it failing. Now in the process of taking the phone back to 10.2.1 then going to retry the update again or maybe ill just wait a bit before updating.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Wow just wow, this update really has ruined my iphone 6s. I backed up the phone through iTunes and downgraded it, all went well. Then I decided to update it 10.3 via iTunes and once it had done that I tried to restore my earlier backup, only to realise it wont do it because the backup was done on 10.3 so wont let me restore that backup on 10.2.1. Anyhow no big deal I thought, my phone is backed up on icloud as it is. So restored my stuff from the icloud and again its hanging on my phone, message, whatsapp..pretty much every app that I have backed up through icloud is hanging and will not work at all.

So it pretty much means I have lost everything on my phone ie I cant restore any data from icloud because for some odd reason this update has screwed everything up. Ive never EVER known a phone update to go this badly :/.

Not sure what else I can do now, the phone is basically useless...im so fed up I just feel like smashing the crap out of it lol.
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
My update went fine and my phone feels even quicker somehow.

I would try a factory reset and then restore.

By the way you should be able to restore to 10.2.1 as it will still be signed, Google how to restore to older versions.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Done all that, seems like my back up is corrupt so that's all my data and settings gone as every time I restore it just goes into an endless loop of verifying Apple ID.

If I don't restore then phone is fine but soon as I restore, messages, phone and my gmail app don't work as in they just hang. Can't even get into the message settings as it just gives me the error that server is not available.
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Can you not restore to an earlier backup?

I take it you tried factory reset, set up as new iPhone, then reset and restore from backup?

Can you get it into any working state at all and if so, which OS?
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Yep tried a factory reset after updating then restoring but still the same issues as before.

Pre 10.3 and 10.3 the phone works, it's just that soon as I restore my iCloud backup...then certain apps i.e. The ones I have backed up through iCloud no longer work. Along with my messages app which has a red exclamation mark next to it, phone app just hangs and no calls are being received or I can make.
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
It sounds like the backup isn't associated with your iCloud account or something like that. Can you sign out and in via settings?

How many backups do you have online? I may be wrong but I thought you could choose which to restore from?

Deleted member 138126


Deleted member 138126

Why are you downgrading to 10.2 and then upgrading to 10.3? Just do a restore (to 10.3, it's going to be the default), and then try to restore the backup. Also, if you had iCloud backup, why did you go through all this? All you needed to do was do a restore (wipe, reinstall latest iOS, restore backup) and you would've been up and running.

Highlights the importance of backing up locally before a big upgrade. I must admit I've been lazy the last few cycles and haven't done the full iTunes backup before updating, although I *always* do before a major jump (like 9 -> 10).
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